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Challenge Overview

Challenge Objectives
In this competition we are looking for creation of detailed test cases to fully cover the application features for an Insurance Application, using the 6 user stories provided.
PLEASE NOTE: This challenge will be judged on a subjective basis and the winner will be selected by the judges based on their interpretation of the judging criteria. There will be no appeals for this challenge.

About the Application
The Insurance Application in-scope provides a dashboard widget for the users to search, view, to add claims, compare claims and manage their claims, tasks etc. It also enables users to add claims linked to an existing policy, compare claims and manage claims along with a list of tiles and a detailed claims page for each selection of tile.
  • 6 User stories (Attached in the forum)
  • Test case template to be used for documenting test scenarios
  • The input is only the provided user stories, the access to the application will not be provided 
Members needs to write/design test cases by referring to the 6 user stories provided in the challenge forum. Also provided in the forum, a test case document template Template_TestCase.xlsx that each member should use to capture test scenarios/ cases. Please don’t use different formats than this without confirming in the forum.
Testing Types
The test cases should cover all functional (negative/positive/form validations as per the information given in the user stories), integration (cover from the given user stories) and performance (as mentioned specifically in the user stories) scenarios. UI specific test cases are not required.
Target Devices
This application only needs to be tested in Windows operating system. Mobile devices are out of scope.
Target Browsers and versions
Chrome, IE 11, Microsoft Edge.
Following are the 6 User Stories in-scope, please refer to the detailed documentation shared in the forum for clarity.
  • Add Claim
    • Intended user – Claim Adjuster
    • A second major activity of the claim adjuster is to add a new claim in First. The dashboard will provide him the functionality to search on the right policy or insured, select the right risk and add the new claim.
  • Compare Claim
    • Intended user – Claim Adjuster
    • The claim adjuster has to make comparison between claims for different purposes such as duplicates comparison or writing transfer between a claim to another. They also need to export the comparison data to Excel for reporting enquiry. The claim adjuster will be able to compare multiple claims from the search pane that is accessible from every screen in First.
  • Find a Claim
    • Intended user – Claim Adjuster
    • One of the main activity of the claim adjuster is to manage his claims. In order to open an existing claim and manage it, the claim adjuster must first search for it. A search pane has been created to search and find the claim that needs to be opened.
  • Claim Dashboard Home Page
    • Intended user – Claim User, Claim Manager, Members of claim team
    • A dashboard page that is the default home page screen for a Claim user. This screen contains different Widgets that are movable by the user as a custom view. This view is saved for the user and will remain the same on the next login. The widget type and content itself can be configured for each Line of Business differently. (Liability, Property, Motor, Marine, Engineering, Financial lines, Travel…) and or Standalone Countries. List of tiles
  • MyClaims Dashboard
    • Intended user – Claim Adjuster
    • Each Tile shows different filters for claims with a counter visible. The counters indicate the number of claims that are matching the criteria in the result. The tiles/filters are depending  on country and team. A team may subscribe to only certain filters. The click on the tiles open a screen with claim list filter accordingly. The tiles have different colors depending on the filter.
  • MyKPI Dashboard
    • Intended user –  Claim User
    • The user wants to see a dashboard widget with an overview of his/her KPI so that he/she can have a view on important metrics related to my claims.
Please make sure to create LOB specific test cases covering all LOBs in scope (motor, liability, property, engineering, marine, financial lines, travel) when required as well as country coverage when required (France, BeNe, Nordic).
Typically, 20% of test execution identifies 80% defects in the application being tested. Hence mark the test execution priority to identify defects faster. A place holder is available in the column G of template. Please mark the test cases with appropriate priority keeping this in mind.
Please read the user stories carefully and make sure that your test case document covers validation of all the functional requirements detailed in the User Stories. Also ensure to properly document all the columns/ fields mentioned in the test case document template.
Judging Criteria

This competition will be reviewed manually and a winner selected by a panel of judges. Judges will determine the winner based on the following criteria:
  • Well written and easy to understand the test cases
  • Accurately captures each test steps/ scenarios and expected results
  • Completeness of the test cases – Traceability with all the functionality/ features in-scope.
  • Overall quality of submission.
  • Uniqueness of test case created
  • Assignment of the test execution priority to identify defects faster.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Requirements
  • Your submission must include written test cases in the pre-specified format/ template covering the full functionality of the 6 User Stories added in this challenge.
  • Template_TestCase.xlsx filled with all the test cases including test files/ data needed to test the app.
  • You may add additional fields if you feel they are necessary or improve the quality of your test cases.
  • Test cases should be written for a person to execute - this is not automated testing.
  • You do not need to execute your test cases - just compose them.
  • Your submission must be in .xls, or .xlsx format
- IMPORTANT: Submit the above details before the Submission Phase ends.


Topcoder Open 2019

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30075192