Challenge Overview
Challenge Objectives
Server targeting Raspberry Pi 3 with BLE
Client targeting Android 8+
- This challenge will update the existing Android app and code to make the user experience better.
- ���Existing code is here:
Project Background
This is a challenge in a series to help build out a server configuration app. The configuration app will eventually be put into embedded devices in user’s home and will allow for setup via a mobile app.
This challenge will fix a few bugs and modify some of the Android app functionality to be a bit more user friendly.
Future challenges will add more features to the server and client, including building out formal client libraries for use in numerous Android and iOS apps.
Technology Stack
C / C++ on the server side, targeting Raspberry Pi 3
Android / Java on the client side, targeting Android 8+, with BLE required
Code access
The code can be found here:
Individual requirements
These tickets comprise the requirements for this challenge:
Deployment guide and validation documen
Make sure to require two separate documents for validation.
A that covers:
How to apply the patch to the existing codebase
How to deploy the codebase to a raspberry pi 3. Make sure to cover the OS and dependency requirements for the rPi.
How to build, deploy, connect, and test the Android app.
A that covers:
How to use the Android app to send INI settings to the rPi.
Validation video / screencast
No video is required
What To Submit
Patch file against the HEAD of the master branch in the git repo mentioned above
- that covers the items above
- that covers the items above