CastorVH - Data Parsing Challenge

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The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Challenge Detail
As part of earlier challenges we gathered a set of paragraphs from multiple sources. The goal of this challenge is to parse those text paragraphs of data to find keywords specific to our needs.

Details you need to parse
1. If the vaccine is mandatory for the college. Vaccines can be Mandatory or Voluntary. The parser should be able to identify the same. 
2. There is a list of specific keywords (mentioned in forum) which you would need to correctly identify and parse.
3. The output of your code should be a CSV file. Format is mentioned in the forum.
4. The code must be in Python.

Project Background
Customer is a global healthcare company, they research, develop and manufacture consumer healthcare products. The purpose of this project to help find the universities and colleges that have the mandatory Seasonal Flu vaccination and also find universities/colleges that just recommend it.

Technology Stack
  • Python 3.6
Individual Requirements

Challenge Input
We ran few challenges previously to extract the list of colleges and specific information based on keywords from the URLs.  The code is shared in the forums. Also an expected format for data parsing is provided as csv file in the forums.

  • Run the existing project to parse the data and load it to the DB.
  • Using natural language processing or any other parsing logic, generate the CSV file for the list of colleges based on the template provided. Based on the data parsed Yes, No and N/A values will be used to fill the columns.
Deployment Guide and Validation Document

Make sure to require two separate documents for validation.

A that covers:
  • Deployment - that covers how to build and test your submission.
  • Configuration - make sure to document the configuration that are used by the submission.
  • Dependency Installation -  should clearly describe the step-by-step guide for installing dependencies and should be up to date.
A that covers:
Validation of each requirement can be mentioned in this document which will be easier for reviewers to map the requirements with your submission.

Final Submission Guidelines

Submit your source code as zip file


Topcoder Open 2019

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30077166