Submit a solution
The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Challenge Objectives

  • Create a Node.js processor that will listen to kafka topics, will look up user, submission and challenge data and will post the data to a specific topic.

Project Background

We’re in the process of revamping our platform and adding support to store more information about our users as traits in order to improve the overall user experience in our platform.

Technology Stack

  • Node.js

  • Kafka

  • Docker and Docker Compose

  • AWS

Example processor (for reference)

Detailed requirements

1. Processor requirements (major)

The new processor should listen to all submission topics, when it receives an event, it should gather information about the following by calling other APIs:

  • User

  • Challenge

  • Submission

And post that information to another topic.

The processor should use M2M (Machine-to-machine) tokens.

Use this library for M2M. Please note that you need to refer to it via git instead of npm.


For now, we need to cover the following topics:

  • submission.notification.create

  • submission.notification.update


The above topics should be configurable.

You will find example payloads attached on the forum.


Retrieve the following information from the challenge API (/v4/challenges/:id) about the challenge:

  • challengeTitle

  • challengeId

  • submissionEndDate

  • prizes

  • challengeCommunity

  • subTrack

  • technologies

  • platforms

  • numberOfRegistrants

  • numberOfSubmissions


Retrieve the following information about the user from the member API:

  • handle

  • rating

  • email


Retrieve the submission information (including review information when available) by calling the the /submissions endpoint (you will find an example call attached on the forum).


Send an event by posting to the (configurable) topic and passing an object containing all the information above as

You'll find an example event body available on the forum.

API specs:

2. You need to create unit & e2e tests for the processor (major)


The name of this new processor should be: submission-notification-processor


Feel free to ask on the challenge forum!

What to Submit


  • The processor source code

  • Detailed configuration and deployment instructions (

  • A verification document

Final Submission Guidelines

Please see above


Topcoder Open 2019

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30078926