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Challenge Overview

Challenge Objectives

  • Update ap-member-microservice to support Machine to Machine token.

Project Background

ap-member-microservice provide APIs for member profile, stats and financial information.

We need to update ap-member-microservice to support Machine to Machine token.

Technology Stack

  • Java 8

  • Maven 3

  • Docker and Docker Compose

  • Informix

Code Access

Existing Code:

Branch: dev

You will find a self registration link attached on the forum in case you don’t have access to the repo.

If the self registration link does not work for you, please request access by posting your Github username on the challenge forum.


Individual requirements

The main requirements of this challenge is to add the M2M support to ap-member-microservice

The M2M token support should be added to the following endpoints :


GET /leaderboards

GET /members/{handle}

GET /members/{handle}/traits

POST /members/{handle}/traits

PUT /members/{handle}/traits

DELETE /members/{handle}/traits

GET /members/_search

GET /members/_suggest/{term}

The m2m support is already implemented in ap-challenge-mircoservice ( ) , you can check it for reference. ( )

The scopes of the m2m token should be configurable and not hard-coded.

(for example for read operations “read:user_profiles” scope can be used, and “write:user_profiles” scope can be used for write operations :

Final Submission Guidelines

What to Submit

  • A git patch against the latest commit hash in the dev branch

  • A verification document with detailed instructions on how to test the updates.

The winner must create a pull request against the dev branch in our repo.


Topcoder Open 2019

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30079846