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Challenge Overview

We have run 6 cycles for the Test Success Series Challenges so far. Now we would like to think a way to automate our testing process and leverage the cloud devices provided by AWS Device Farm. 

AWS Device Farm allows us to test against real mobile devices in the AWS Cloud automatically, and we will provide you the accounts and manual to use cloud devices. All the Documents are provided in the forum.

Note: please stop your cloud device when you are not using them to save some usage time for us.

This link has listed all the supported automation testing framework by AWS Device Farm

In this challenge, we will have 2 test cases to let you automate them using the AWS Device Farm platform. All documents about the detail info are provided in the forum.  We will target on iPhones only in this challenge, so please choose an automation testing framework that's supported on Android Phones as well. Also please keep in mind that extensibility is important to us.

Please choose the model from below list when you are testing on the AWS Device Farm

  • iPhone 7 (10.3.2+)

  • iPhone 6s+ (10.3.2+)

  • iPhone 5s (10.3.2+)

  • iPhone 6 (10.2.1+)

The test cases involve the setup on the web of the products, so you may leverage the cloud device's safari browser to do the automated setup operations.

Final Submission Guidelines

In summary, the goal is that your scripts should be able to execute these 2 test cases automatically on the cloud device, and it should not take too much effect to include more test cases and transfer onto Android Phones.

Your submission should include below items:

  • Scripts project:

    • Please structure your source files wisely and add code comments to your script files to help understand your source code.


    • Should have clear steps regarding how to setup/deploy your submission

  • Video Link:

    • Unlisted video recording to show your solution in action.


Topcoder Open 2019

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


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ID: 30080839