Challenge Summary
To generate Ideas and discover data sources or websites to predict the popularity (“hotness”) and sentiment trends of products on the web. The inputs will be product names along with their categories and tags. The output of the ideation includes technical details on a machine learning based general web popularity model with a popularity score and a sentiment score for each product within a given timeframe in the future (eg: x months,years from now).Prize Update + Bonus
We are thrilled to announce that prizes went up for this contest! Also, we would pay you a bonus of 200 USD on top of the placement prize if you make your final submission by 6/4 09:39 AM EDT and you end up winning a placement prize too. Client also reserves the right to purchase additional submissions outside of TOP 5 for 200 USD each.
Submission Deliverables
1-2 pages Ideation Technical Solution Write Up that includes:- Detailed description of the approach, and on training models in particular, where relevant
You can submit at most TWO solutions but we encourage you to include your great solution and details as much as possible in a single submission.
Example Inputs
Category Tags NameBeer Singles Steel Reserve 211 High Gravity 24oz Can
Beer Singles Mike's Harder Lemonade 16oz Can
Beer Malt Mike's Harder Strawberry Lemonade 16oz Can
Candy Chocolate Pokemon Candy Bar
Candy Chocolate Reese's PB King Size 2.8oz
Candy Chocolate Kit Kat King Size 3oz
More inputs are attached to the contest specs for downloading.
Success Criteria
The following success criteria have been specified:- Technical details of machine learning based general web popularity model with a popularity score and Sentiment Score (normalized between 0-1) for each product within a given future timeframe.
- Sentiment needs to be a factor of the popularity score calculation. For convenience and future utilization, a sentiment score per product should be outputted separately.
Follow Up Contests
There will be follow up contests to make a PoC for the selected approaches.Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.