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Challenge Overview

Challenge Objectives

App environment:

- ASP.Net MVC Core

Basic requirements for this challenge:
- Update issues on the Hoherberg frontend and backend
- Continue support unit testing and must not break the application after the updates

Challenge Overview
 Hoherberg Ski School web application need build using ASP.Net MVC Core with focus on desktop resolution only. For this challenge we need you updates issues on Web API and the frontend.

Let's discuss any questions you have. See you in the challenge forum!

Technology Stack
- ASP.Net MVC Core
- CSS3
- Javascript
- Jquery

Deployment environment requirements
- localhost
- live site

Challenge Assets:
- Frontend repo:
- Backend repo:

About Current Implementation
- Frontend & Backend app using ASP.Net MVC Core
- Getting started on ASP.Net MVC Core here:
- You need use docker to setup database for this application. Read documentation on architecture and backend repo:
- Let us know any problem when you setup both frontend or backend

Individual Requirements
1). Product
  • [medium] After save data, need remain display the previous selected product. Refer how instructor page works
  • [high] Buffer: Products should be able to “hold” a reserve the total of instructors.
    • This is a product buffer that allows the user to gauge capacity and availability on a daily and per specific date basis.
    • Note there is instructor buffer need implemented when user select Private & Other on Assignment Grouping
    • Need calculate all instructor buffer to reserve the total of instructors
    • This need affect calculating availability after the product buffers are applied.
    • After product assigned on Scheduler page need auto increase or reduce  total buffer for the related product.
  • [high] On assigned instructors. Scheduling conflicts show up after add a new instructor.
  • Try follow this sample then you’ll see Scheduling Conflicts show up even if 1 instructor that assigned
  • It should not showing Scheduling conflicts for the same product
  • Need scheduling conflicts working IF instructor assigned to more than 1 product at the same time
  • Sample data:
    • Product:
      • Mountain Master
      • Start/End: 12/01/2018 to 06/30/2019
      • Specific Date: 06/01/2019
    • Instructor:
      • Collin Bywaters
      • Start/End: 09/01/2018 to 06/30/2019
      • All days in weekend turn on
  • [high] Product categories can also be treated as assignments: example Instructor A can be assigned to Albion adult group lessons:
    • This product categories assignment also need displayed on Scheduler cell.
  • [high] Number of participants in conjunction with buffer:
    • Products with their times are not displaying correctly on scheduler. Follow sample data below:
      • Product:
        • Albion AM Adult L2
        • Start/End: 12/01/2018 to 06/30/2019
        • Specific Date: 06/01/2019
      • Instructor:
        • Bob Wulin
        • Start/End: 09/01/2018 to 07/07/2019
        • All days in weekend turn on
        • Make sure other data match with product like age, level, skill, etc
  • [high] Adding days on specific schedule - not working as expected
    • When adding specific date even if it outside the product base schedule range, need display the product on scheduler cell for instructor that meet requirements.

2). Instructor
  • [high] Base schedule for instructors is not working - all instructors base schedule end on may 1st and they are appearing available green. But when we adjust the end date of instructors schedule we can see assignments. Check relationship with Scheduler page
    • This is an issue because we miss scheduled products. They should be red past their schedule expiration date
  • [high] Deleting instructor - breaking parent/child relationships error not working
  • [low] POD management - sort ordering from A-Z. Fix all related dropdown in Instructor page

3). Create Reservation
  • [medium] Cancellation should not be required UNTIL booking - if need to edit reservation don’t require the cancellation policy check yet.
  • [high] Skier History is not populating
    • If Skier First name, last name and DOB exists in the system need auto populate the previous reservation on Skier History boxes
    • Create sample data for this

Final Submission Guidelines

Web Browsers Requirements
Your submission must look and work consistently across these following browsers on the latest versions:  
- IE11
- Chrome,
- Edge,
- Safari,
- Firefox

What To Submit?
- Patch file of updated submissions.
- Challenge winner need submit MR to both backend and frontend.
- Updated (if Any).


Topcoder Open 2019

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30091973