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Challenge Overview

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  IMPORTANT ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Issues in this Bug Bash should be fixed for 12 hours once assigned

Challenge Objectives

Fix a list of issues found during Bug Hunt in the React application.

Project Background

We have an existent Flash application provided by the client and we have rewritten this application with React. We did a Bug Hunt and found some mostly small issues which we are going to fix during this Bug Bash challenge.

Technology Stack

  • ReactJs

  • Redux + Saga

  • CSS Modules

Code access

  • If you don’t have access to the issues list provided below, please use the link provided on the forum to get access.

  • On the forum, I’ve provided a Brief verification guide. Please check sections Overview and Application parameters to get some understanding about the tests cases we use for issues. Also, when you work on a particular issue you may check the respective section in the Brief verification guide on how to test it and if it has some special case to keep in mind.

Individual requirements

In this challenge, you can pick up issues listed on GitHub and accomplish them during 12 hours to get the prizes which are mentioned in the issues titles.

  1. Select an issue labeled as “tcx_OpenForPickup” to work on at Don't pick-up multiple issues at the same time!

  2. Self-assign yourself to the issue, remove the “tcx_OpenForPickup” (if you don't have enough permissions to do this, ask in the issue ticket itself).

  3. Fork the repository, follow instructions in the ticket, work from the latest commit in the bug-bash branch.

  4. Once ready, create a pull request, and label the original issue ticket with the “tcx_ReadyForReview” label.

  5. From this moment you may pick-up the next issue and start working on it, but if any problems are detected with your previous pull request, fixing them will be the top priority.

  6. Don't hold an issue ticket for too much time if you can't fix it in 12 hours. If an issue demands more time to be fixed, comment in the ticket and provide a Merge Request with the work in progress. Otherwise, de-assign yourself from the ticket and label it back with the “tcx_OpenForPickup” label. If the Merge Request which shows the work in progress is not provided, the extension would not be granted and issue would be unassigned.

  7. If you have any questions regarding a ticket, comment in the ticket itself and don’t use the challenge forums. Use the challenge forum only for generic questions.

  8. If you think that some issue has an insufficient prize, please, ask for the raise before assigning the issue to yourself. Most likely prizes couldn’t be increased if not confirmed before assigning.

General requirements

  • Follow React and Redux + Sage best practices.

  • Do not violate ESLint rules for JS code.

  • Use SCSS modules for styling. Avoid nesting styles as using SCSS modules we can keep styles flat.


Please ignore the prize shown in this challenge, that is just the estimated purse from all the tickets.

For this Bug Bash, we will be paying per accepted fix based on the prize amount noted in each issues' title.

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Create a PR against final-fixes branch. Note, to create a PR you will need to fork the repository.

  • Submit text file with your Gitlab and Topcoder handles.


Topcoder Open 2019

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30092354