Topcoder QA Fun Challenge Series 5 - Capturing videos and logs on mobile phones

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Welcome to the Topcoder QA Fun Challenge Series 5 - Capturing videos and logs on mobile phones.

Topcoder is building a new track called QA (Quality Assurance) and looking forward to seeing more new members competing in this track.


First 25 members with valid submission will win a T-shirt.

If it's your first QA challenge submission, in addition to the T-shirt, you'll get a $25 bonus providing that you're in top 25.

Challenge Requirements
As this is a “Fun Challenge”, the task is easy!

In this challenge, we are going to guide testers to record videos and capture logs on any mobile application using Android phone or iPhone. You are expected to choose at least 2 apps on your mobile phone (either Android phone or iPhone, or both), play with it for a while (1-2 minutes is fine), record the screencast and capture the logs.

For video recording, you may use other softwares to mirror the phone screen to the laptop and record or just use the video recording software to record.

Here are the tutorials on how to get logs from different devices (Android & iOS):

Android device app -

iOS device app -


Final Submission Guidelines

Submit a zip file with a text file in it.
The text file needs to contain the shared video folder links.
For each shared folder link, it should store the full video of execution, the mobile phone OS version screenshot, and log files.

Important Notes:
For iOS device, we need the model and OS version clearly in the screenshot, model should be ‘Axxxx’ format where xxxx is four-digit number, if you see something like MG472CH/A in the Model category on the About screen of your device, just ‘single tap’ on it, it will change into Axxxx format.

For Android devices, we need the model number and OS version clearly in the screenshot.


Topcoder Open 2019


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30093860