Informix2PostgreSQL Migration Series - Scorecard App Migration

Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Series Background

Topcoder is in a huge database migration plan from informix to postgres. In order to cordinate with db migration, all the running code have to be updated to support Postgres 9.5+. So you can expect there will be a big amount of migration challenges, welcome to join this series.

Challenge Scope

For this challenge, we'd like to update the scorecard tool ( to communicate with postgres database.

1. Setup Postgres DB using Use the `tcs_catalog` postgres schema and load the sample data for scorecard app.
2. Migrate scorecard app DB connection and respective queries(all DML) to postgres, the code can be found at Notes, ideally we'd like to code be backward-compatiable with informix db, so we can make smooth switch over. if not, please explain why in your submission.
3. Dockerize migrated  scorecard app and it’s related  postgres data. 
4. Update the file about the deployment and verification with Postgres DB.
5. if there are changes needed in, please include in your submission.


Final Submission Guidelines

- Code changes for scorecard tool
- Deployment and Verification Steps.


Topcoder Open 2019


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30093917