Challenge Overview

App environment:
  • ASP.Net MVC Core

Basic requirements for this challenge:
  • Continue fixing issues on the front-end and back-end of Hoherberg Ski School application
  • Continue support unit testing and must not break the application after the updates

Challenge Overview
Hoherberg Ski School web application need build using ASP.Net MVC Core with focus on desktop resolution only. For this challenge we need you updates issues on Web API and the frontend.

Let's discuss any questions you have. See you in the challenge forum!

Technology Stack
  • ASP.Net MVC Core
  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • Javascript
  • Jquery

Deployment environment requirements
  • localhost
  • live site

Challenge Assets:
Demo site:

About Current Implementation
- Frontend & Backend app using ASP.Net MVC Core
- Getting started on ASP.Net MVC Core here:
- You need use docker to setup database for this application. Read documentation on architecture and backend repo:
- Let us know any problem when you setup both frontend or backend

Individual Requirements
1). Scheduler
  • [high] Unassigned Private lesson counter next to date
    • After creating a reservation or edit reservation with no assigned instructor, go to the weekly schedule and expected to see a (1) for unassigned private lessons but there was nothing.
    • On Reservation list page, it should not listed Reservation with No Instructor assigned
    • This number of unassigned private lessons placed next to date. For example: FRIDAY 06/28/2019 (0)
    • Need calculate number of unassigned private lessons for each day
  • [high] Mismatch placement on Scheduler cell
    • Create new reservation with sample data below
    • Assigned products MUST match the product configuration.
    • Sample Instructor data:
      • Instructor: Brian Jones
      • He assigned to these products:
        • Albion AM Adult L3 (AAA3)
          • Date & Time: 05/28/2019 10:15 AM - 12:15 PM
        • Albion PM Adult L1 (AAP1)
          • Date & Time: 05/28/2019 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM
      • But On the scheduler cell they displayed at different times
      • Check the placement on Weekly and Daily View.
      • For Weekly view, make sure the assigned product placed in correct AM or PM with make sense position.
        • AM = 8:30 to 12:00
        • PM = 12:00 to 4:30
      • The only exception to this is Private lessons which have participant reservations. Private lessons are also a part of the assignment group "Private"
  • [high] My scheduled reservation not show up correctly in Scheduler page
    • Sample Data:
      • You can check on Reservation list and compare with Scheduler page
      • Reservation ID: #638
      • James Ledyard at 06/26/2019 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM
      • Product: PVTA
    • After I set Instructor to be ‘Set On/Green’ on that date cell and then private lesson assignment become visible
    • This assignment need also show up on the daily assignment screen
    • Assignment must appear on the scheduler cell even if instructor turn off
    • An instructor should not be allowed to be ‘Set Off/red’ if they have scheduled assignment to them within that day/block of time.

2). Product
  • [high] The assignable option from product category management is not working on the scheduler assigning side.
    • The expectation is that when ‘assignable’ is set to No then the product category or product should NOT appear in the assigning drop down on the scheduler
  • [high] Adding days on specific schedule not working as expected
    • Need to make the product available to pick on Scheduler page if user add specific date

3). Instructor
  • [high] Instructor TELE need updated with these options : N/A, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
    • Note: When user create reservation TELE drop down must remain as 'Yes/No' option
    • RIght now this is pulled data from TELE field on related Instructor
    • Fix the TELE in Scheduler page to display these options N/A, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 instead current YES and NO
  • We need to apply these logic:
    • On create new reservation if TELE = Yes then skier level = Instructor TELE level.   
    • Or the opposite if TELE = No then skier level and age matches instructor teachable age skill range

Web Browsers Requirements
Your submission must look and work consistently across these following browsers on the latest versions:  
  • IE11
  • Chrome,
  • Edge,
  • Safari,
  • Firefox

Final Submission Guidelines

What To Submit?
  • Patch file of updated solution.
  • Challenge winner need submit MR to both backend and frontend.
  • Updated (if Any).


Topcoder Open 2019

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30095421