Key Information

The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Build a simple response web form for a google sheet.  You will be given a sheet.  The sheet will contain a list of rows.

You will display each row and ask the user to select one of five responses.  The responses are Almost always available, Sometimes available, Never available, Not a specific product, Not Sure/Can't Determine

For example the sheet might show (sample sheet

Hot dog, supermarket
Milk, grocery store
Dog Food, grocery story
video game, grocery story
water, discount store
tennis racket,    department store
Honda Civic, grocery store

For each one of these rows you will display the five answers and the user must answer one before moving to the next item.  Once they click one answer they will see the next pair.

For instance if the sheet above was used, I would see
Hotdog Grocery 
I would click Always

and then the app would show me
Milk, grocery store -- and the five options

The app will also show a timer.  A user will have X number of seconds to respond.  If they do not respond with in X seconds.  The app will display a page just staying thank you for participating.

X number of seconds will be configurable.


Final Submission Guidelines

- Pick your technology and deploy the web app to google app engine
- Provide the link to your google app engine app
- Provide deployment instructutions for the app

- After someone answers store the result in a column after the last column of the row
- if five answers are given for a pair do not show that pair again


Final Review:

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off


ID: 30099523