Challenge Overview
Challenge Objectives
- Create the Ionic prototype for the provided design
Project Background
We are building a tool for user to observe, record, and tracking their employee activities within their company/shop/store and gather statistical report in order to gather necessary information for further usage (education, set a SOP, etc).
Technology Stack
- Ionic 5 + Sqlite for mobile app
- Android 4+
- iOS 9+
General Requirements- Input validation and login failure must be handled properly.
- You can load data from local JSON file, but the format should follow the provided swagger file.
You can find the latest marvel app here:
Note the add/edit project/process/tas, stop-watch, help, and report pages are not in scope.
The following UI screens are in scope:
- Initial Screen (1)
- Make it slidable
- Login (2 & 3)
- Only Login with username/pass is required
- Social login is not needed
- Forgot password is also in scope, when clicked, show a screen with email input.
- Register (4)
- User can register in this app
- Projects Screen (5 & 6 & 7 & 8)
- It lists all the projects
- On the same row of "process / comments", show the number of tasks in project as well.
- Tap the profile icon opens the account setting screen
- Tap the "+ New project" to add a new project
- Tap the "x processes" in the project, opens the project details screen
- Tap the "x comments" in the project, opens the comment list of this project, should allow user to add a comment.
- Tap the "..." on the project, an action menu is displayed
- Invite People - opens the invite screen to invite people
- Edit Project - go to edit project screen
- Delete Project - delete current project
- Tap the project name and description, opens the project details screen
- Project Details (9, 10, 11, 12)
- Operation cycle time chart
- the chart should be horizontally scrollable if there are too many bars (processes) to fit into it
- For each process - show more/less button should work. and display show-more by default
- Tap the "x tasks" in the process, opens the process details screen
- Tap the "x comments" in the process, opens the comment list of this process
- Tap "..." of the project shows the action menu
- Project & Lean Managers - show the project & lean managers
- Invite People - show the invite people popup as before
- Add More - add one more entry for another person
- Edit Project - go to the edit project screen
- Add Process - go to the add process screen
- Delete Project
- Tag "..." of the process show the action menu
- Edit Process - go to the edit process screen
- Delete Process
- Operation cycle time chart
- Process Details (13, 14)
- cycle time chart
- the chart should be horizontally scrollable if there are too many bars (processes) to fit into it
- For each task - show more/less button should work. and display show-more by default
- Tap the "videos/photos" in the task, opens the photo/video grid of the task
- Tap the "x comments" in the task, opens the comment list of this task
- Tap "..." of the task shows the action menu
- Edit Process - go to edit process screen
- Add Task - go to add task screen
- Delete Process
- Tap "..." of the task shows the action menu
- Add Photo/Video - show the native photo / video gallery to pick one or more to upload
- Edit Task - go to edit task screen
- Delete Task
- Mark as Complete
- Tap the task name goes to the task detail screen
- cycle time chart
- Task Details (15 - 18)
- screen-17 is the task detail screen
- Make the line chart horizontally scrollable if there are too many observations
- Tap export to export the observation data
- Tap star icon to make it as favorite / unfavorite
- Tap view past observation to view all observations
- Tap "..." show the action menu:
- Edit task
- Delete task
- Tap start to move to screen-15 - check this for a live demo:
- lap - add an observation when it's tapped
- undo - reset current timer to 0
- reset - reset all observations
- stop - stop and save all the observations
- screen-17 is the task detail screen
- Settings
- User can logout - only logout is in scope
Final Submission Guidelines
- Source Code
- Deployment and Verification Guide