Challenge Overview

  • Create LWC (Lightning Web Components) to display the interactions (Cases, Order, etc..) of users with our client in the provided design

Technology Stack


  • To work on this challenge, Please sign up for free developer account in Salesforce using this link. If you already have a developer account, you could use it as well.

  • After login, Navigate to set up page using the url or by using settings icon in home page and clicking on Setup

  • Follow the steps here to enable custom domain for your developer organization

  • Your custom domain URL should look something like https://{your-domain}


  • Install Salesforce CLI (SFDX) by following the instructions given here

  • Login into your developer org from SFDX CLI

  • Install Node.js 10.x to lint your files and run unit tests

Challenge Assets

Following files are shared in the challenge forum which is accessible after registration.

  • Starter pack to begin LWC development

  • PDF file with detailed requirements on the component to be developed

Individual Requirements

Component development

  • Detailed requirements regarding the component to be developed is shared in a PDF file in challenge forum which will be accessible after registration

  • Please go through the document thoroughly to understand the requirements

Server side Apex controllers

  • Please update the functions in InteractionController in starter pack to fit our requirements. First function getInteractions would be used to fetch all interactions based on the applied filters and page number and other function getInteractionDetail would be used to fetch the details of the given interaction (Case / Task / Order / External_interaction)

  • Please note SOQL don’t  support Union queries. We need to create custom objects and comparable in Apex to do the custom sorting, union and filtering.

  • Please write unit tests for these 2 functions in scope and we expect test coverage to be 100%

LWC Unit tests

  • For the component being developed, we expect to have minimum 95% test coverage in all aspects (Lines, Branches, Statements etc..)

Learning Resources:

Important Notes:

  • Review / Appeals phase for this challenge is shorter than usual. Please pay attention to the shortened timelines.

  • Please ensure that there are no lint errors

  • Please ensure that you are able to deploy the updated source code into a scratch org from Salesforce CLI

  • If you have any doubts, Please feel free to post it in the forum. We will be happy to resolve your queries as soon as possible

Final Submission Guidelines

  • From Salesforce CLI, generate password for the default administrator user in scratch org

  • Enter your application URL, scratch org administrator username and password in credentials.txt file.

  • Zip the credentials.txt file and updated source code and upload it using the Submit link

  • After submitting, please ensure that you are able to download your submission from Online Review


2020 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30105086