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Challenge Overview

Welcome to the TCO19 QA Finals Practice Challenge! This challenge is open to all topcoder members, especially for TCO19 QA finalists. We expect all the TCO19 QA finalists participate in this challenge, since the challenge structure will be the same as the TCO19 QA Finals.

This challenge includes 3 phases: Regression Testing phase, Bug Hunt (aka Exploratory Testing) phase and Challenge phase (for Bug Hunt).

For the regression testing, there are some test cases to be executed manually by recording videos, capturing logs, etc. 

For the bug hunt, you’re expected to do exploratory testing for a website and log bugs in JIRA. There is a challenge phase for the bug hunt - every bug can be validated by another competitor. If you find a bug is not valid, you can provide your comments in that bug ticket explaining the reason. If it is confirmed by the reviewer that it is invalid you will take away the points from the competitor. 

The submission phase will start on
2019-10-25 21:00 EST (once registration phase ended).

The duration of Regression Testing phase is 24 hours. After regression testing phase ended, the Bug Hunt phase starts and will last for 48 hours.

The challenge phase will begin 1 hour after Bug Hunt phase ended and will last for 24 hours. Please feel free to challenge others, there is no penalty for wrong challenges.



    1st - $500
2nd - $300
3rd - $200

 The participant with the highest points will win the 1st place - $500, the participant with the 2nd most points will win $300 and third place will win $200.

For those who do not take top 3 positions, they will get prizes based on the gained points (1 point = $1) up to a maximum of $50.


Challenge Requirements 

Regression Testing Requirements:

There are a few test cases in Jira to be executed. Here is the guideline about How to Execute Test Cases In Jira.


Bug Hunt Requirements:

Perform exploratory testing for a part of the *Change* Topcoder Website as an end user. Here is the guideline about How to Create Bug Report In Jira.

The following bug types are in scope:

Functional bugs - the improper system behavior or enabled product features

Security bugs - the security issues of the system

Accessibility bugs - the accessibility of the system with Respect to WCAG 2.1

UI/UX bugs - layout issues (misalignment, overlapping, spacing), font and color issues, etc.


Target Devices: PC, Laptops

Target Browsers: Latest version of Chrome


Contestants will follow the inputs in the standardized fields in JIRA, which include:

  1.  Summary / Title
  2. Type of Bug
  3. Steps to Reproduce
  4. Actual Result
  5. Expected Result
  6. Device I
  7. Operating System I
  8. Operating System I Version
  9. Browser I
  10. Screenshot of Bug
  11. Video of Repro steps
  12. Log file


Scoring rules:

For Regression Testing - each ticket has points.

  • Successful Reporting and Completion of test cases - Full Points
  • Format and missing elements in reporting - Minor Point Deduction 
  • Unsuccessful completion - No Points

For Bug Hunt:

  • Functional bug - 10 points
  • Security bug - 5 points
  • Accessibility bug - 2 points
  • UI/UX bug - 1 point

Final Submission Guidelines

Submit a zip file with your topcoder handle, JIRA username in it before submission phase ends.


2020 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30105092