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Challenge Overview

Challenge Objectives

  • In this challenge, we are looking to write the automated test scripts to verify the application is working correctly based on provided test case document.

Technology stack


Test case document and reference codebase will provide on forums.

Module in Scope

Browser in Scope

  • Google chrome

  • Firefox

  • Headless Browser

Detail Requirement

  • Write E2E tests for provided web application using Protractor and Selenium.

  • Please use best practices wherever applicable to write E2E tests. E.g. Using page objects to access elements within the web page

  • Please use JUnitXml Reporter to generate E2E tests report

Note : -   Please write the script on Dev environment!


Final Submission Guidelines

  • Codebase with test result.

  • Guide on how to run the test locally.


2020 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30105166