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Challenge Overview

Challenge Objectives

  • Submitting quality articles that will be published in THRIVE.
  • For our December Big Give event, this challenge will be open throughout the month of December and will be paying out $150 for each successful submission (you can submit more than once)! 

Project Background

So hopefully by now you have heard about Topcoder’s new space called [Thrive](  Thrive is essentially a library of helpful and educational articles, videos, and forum posts gathered from the Topcoder universe.  During phase one we had deployed and linked to over 200 pieces of content that our Community Evangelists believed would be helpful to our members. These pieces of content fall into one of six categories: Development, Design, Data Science, Competitive Programming, QA, and Topcoder.

Phase two of our rollout will include many past competitive programming editorials from the old wiki but we would also like to release new articles alongside them. This is where you come in!

We are looking for fresh content that your fellow members would enjoy reading as it could help them on their Topcoder Journey.

Do you use a special tool or application to help you succeed in Topcoder challenges?  
Are you a master of a particular technology such as C++, Node JS, Java, etc and can write a tutorial?
Is there a theory that you are very familiar with that others may find just as helpful?

These are just some of the topics you could write about. Keep in mind that we are looking for articles that will appeal to members of all levels.

For our December Big Give event, this challenge will be open throughout the month of December and will be paying out $150 for each successful submission (you can submit more than once)!  The content submitted should be written by you (original content only).  Feel free to use quotes or images in your article but be sure to cite them within.

We will be using Topcoder X for submissions, so if you are interested in learning more about how to submit, head to the [Thrive-Submit Github Repo]( and read the there or ask questions in the challenge forums.

Good Luck and Happy December!

General Requirements

Make sure your submissions passes the minimum requirements:
  • Take a tour around Thrive in the category that you are planning on writing about to make sure the topic hasn't already been covered.
  • Your article has to have min 500 words length.
  • The article has to pass Plagiarism Check from Grammarly It is free for use.

The basic flow for handling a ticket is as follows:
  • 1. Create Your Document
  • 2. Create a ticket/issue in our repo that has your submission in it as an attachment or a link to your document. Post a comment with the track it belongs to Design, Development, Data Science, Competitive Programming, QA or Topcoder in the issue.
  • 3. Your submission will be reviewed by a track evangelist and copilot.
  • 4. If the review is accepted, the evangelist or copilot will set its label to Passed Review, if the review is rejected Rejected Review, or if there is feedback for you (evangelist or copilot will make a comment in the ticket) Review Feedback.
  • 5. Payments will be processed by the project copilot immediately upon the publishing of the article and the ticket will enter the tcx_FixAccepted and then finally tcx_Paid state.
  • 6. For tickets labeled Review Feedback you have 12h to handle/update the request by the copilot in your submission.

Please note that this challenge is NOT TCO eligible no matter what claims it is. Those awards you earn here can't be counted as points for TCO eligibility.

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Github issue[s] with documents you want to submit.
  • Submit a simple .txt file with all your issues to Online Review so we would be able to track and reference them.

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30108777