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Challenge Overview

Challenge Objectives

  • In this challenge, we are looking to update the automated test scripts for  topcoder’s community app (QA Environment) to verify application is working correctly based on provided test case document.

Technology stack


Repo : 

Branch : QA_ENV_smoke_testing_develop

Folder :  topcoder-community-smoke-test

Module in Scope

See on Details Requirement Section.

Detail Requirement

  • We have written the E2E script for topcoder’s community APP on Prod and Dev Environment. Now we want to execute the script on newly created QA Environment too. So  add new configuration for QA Environment with file name config-qa.json and  update the required fields accordingly. 

QA Environment URL : (

Please take the reference from prod/dev environment. So we can run the test for QA Environment as :

npm run test -- --params.mode=qa

  • Fix the script for failed test cases for below spec. 





  • Make sure code has not break the existing flow/pattern.

  • Update the readme file to execute test case on QA Environment. 

  • For test case details, please go through Test_Case_Setting_menu.xlsx under test-cases Folder.

  • Make sure all the test cases are passed on above spec for QA Environments.

If you have any questions please post it on forum.


Final Submission Guidelines

Git patch  and Verification Test Result Report


2020 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30112681