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Challenge Overview

  • Build the backend API for the Ognomy MVP project.
  • We are building an MVP of a mobile app that allows patients to schedule and participate in teleconsultations on their mobile device, and of a web app that allows doctors to view teleconsult schedules and participate in teleconsults from a desktop device.
  • For the purpose of this challenge, we need to implement the backend that will support the MVP of this mobile app and web app.
  • This MVP is the 1st phase of a bigger project, both the mobile app and the web app have a much bigger scope to be done later.
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • REST
  • SMTP
  • Nylas API
  • Data Encryption
The API must provide support for the following screens:
  • Login - physician and patients
    • Login API is needed to support both physician and patient users. And since these users have different access to the application, authorization must be implemented properly.
  • Send verification code - patients only
    • This API will take an email as input and send a random verification code to the provided email address. The verification code needs to have an expiration time (configurable at deployment time) and can only be used once.
    • This API should check for duplicate email address.
  • Signup - patients only
    • Signup API is only needed for the patient users, it requires the user to provide the email, password and verification code to create the account. This API will only succeed if the verification is valid (not expired, not used before and matches the email address).
    • This API should check for duplicate email address.
  • List providers - physician and patients
    • Check this screen: Design Files / Patient / 01 New Patient / 22A Schedule
    • The API should return the list of available providers (physicians)
  • Get available schedule of a provider  - physician and patients
    • Once a provider is selected, the app will call the API to get the available schedule of the provider, see Design Files / Patient / 01 New Patient / 24 Schedule
    • This API requires integration with Nylas
  • Make an appointment - physician and patients
    • This API will create an appointment with the selected provided at the specified time, see Design Files / Patient / 01 New Patient / 25A Schedule
    • This API requires integration with Nylas
    • Please note the appointment is created for both the physician and the patient (so they can both see it)
  • List Upcoming Appointments - physician and patients
    • This API will allow a user (physician or patient) to see his or her upcoming appointments
    • This API requires integration with Nylas
  • List Past Appointments - physician and patients
    • This API will allow a user (physician or patient) to see his or her past appointments
    • This API requires integration with Nylas
  • Update Appointment - physician and patients
    • This API is used to update an appointment, for example: to change the time or mark it as completed
    • Either this API or a separate API should allow the physicians to update the appointment with the meeting details, at minimum we expect the meeting id and password to be updated into the appointment when the host (physician) starts a meeting, and then the mobile app (patient) can pull the meeting id and password and join from the mobile app.
Unit Tests
  • Please provide unit tests for the API in scope of this challenge.

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Full code that covers all the requirements, including unit tests.
  • Postman collection file to properly test the API (covering positive and negative cases).
  • A document that describes the mapping from API endpoints to the screens we are implementing in upcoming challenges.
  • A detailed README file including information on how to configure, run and verify your application.


2020 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30112930