Challenge Overview
Challenge Objectives
In this challenge, we are looking to create the initial script for Function based Automation Framework where all the common functionality will be placed. The main objective is to reuse the common functionality by creating a library. For more information please see the Detail Requirement Section below.
Technology stack : Npm, Node.JS, Protractor
Test Case Scenario :
User can log on system with valid credentials .
User should not login system with invalid credentials.
Detail Requirement
We have the automation script for the topcoder’s application to verify that our application is working as expected, based on the given business/provided test cases. In the process, we found that some common functions were implemented in more than one application, like login or same helper function (eg. finding elements by Text) .
So now we want to make a central repository/library to store all the common functions which the developer can reuse for different applications ( identity app, community app, connect app etc).
We are expecting two solutions from you. One is the library (which is the main solution) and another is a test project to demonstrate how we can consume that library.
Here is our basic mind map :
Please use best practices wherever applicable to write E2E tests. E.g. Using page objects to access elements within the web page
Create Package Name as topcoder-ui-testing-lib .
Use best practice for node package development.
There should be npm test and build(dev/prod) command to test and build the library.
Final Submission Guidelines
Codebase with verification video/document.
Guide on how to deploy it local/npm repository.