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Challenge Overview


Challenge Overview

Improve the automated testing on the provided Nest JS based node project.

Project Overview

The project objective is to build an SDK for the Loyalty Payment Card(LPC) for our client. This SDK will be used by LPC’s clients to build the LPC mobile app.


So the SDK will provide all required functionalities from authentication to payment processing, reward management, etc.


This project creates the backend for developer portal. 


Source code is provided on forum.

Technology Stack

Nest JS, Typescript, Unit tests, e2e tests


Individual Requirement

  • Add/Update Unit tests

    • Add/update the unit tests on the provided source code in current configuration

    • Add unit tests on missing class/methods or files

    • Each method should be tested separately(independently) i.e. shouldn’t depend on any other method, db, third party

    • Check the guide here

  • Add e2e(integration) tests. 

  • Minimum of global 85% of coverage in each category. We expect that all controllers, services will have 100% coverage

  • Do not modify any test configuration without confirmation

Final Submission Guidelines

Please submit the following:

  1. Submit the git patch against 35c3358bec0dba01f04fbb2f010fbe8864337344


2020 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30119332