Salesforce Apex Evaluation - Level 1

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The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

  • Train and evaluate backend developers and candidates without Topcoder records in Salesforce Apex to demonstrate their competency in this skill. Upon successful completion of this evaluation, you will be able to move onto Level 2 of this evaluation.  Successfully completing Level 2 will tentatively earn you a spot on the Salesforce TaaS team, pending evaluation from the Topcoder and Client Team. See the TaaS Opportunity here.  

Technology Stack


  • To work on this challenge, Please sign up for a free developer account in Salesforce using this link. If you already have a developer account, you could use it as well.

  • Sign up for trailhead using the free developer account which you created above

Individual Requirements

  • In your Salesforce trailhead login, complete the below five modules

  • While setting up trailhead, please navigate to to link your developer org so that you can use it while working on hands-on challenges in trailhead.

  • Once you complete the above 3 modules, you are ready to submit in the challenge.

  • From the Profile management page, Edit `System Administrator` profile to allow login from all IP ranges so that there is no verification code sent while I am trying to login to verify your module progress in Trailhead and code created in Salesforce. You may change your developer org password once you are on-boarded into the TaaS team.

  • Prepare credentials.txt file with your username and password for this developer org so that I can login and verify your work in Trailhead as well as Salesforce org

Learning Resources:

Important Notes:

  • There are no Appeals / Appeals Response in this Challenge. Copilot / PM decision is final.

  • If you have any doubts or questions, Please feel free to post it in the forum. We will be happy to resolve your queries as soon as possible.

  • Once you complete this challenge, please notify us in the forum so that we could verify and move you to Level 2 challenge asap.

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Zip the credentials.txt file and upload it using the Submit link 

  • After submitting, please ensure that you are able to download your submission from Online Review


2020 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30121320