Challenge Overview
Challenge Overview
Welcome to Candidate Review Automated Testing - Test Scenario Identification challenge. In this challenge, we aim to identify test scenarios for a simple responsive web application.
Project Overview
In this project we will be:
Identifying test scenarios for a responsive web application
Automating the identified test scenarios
Running the tests against candidate apps
Technology Stack
Application requirements are described below. No further assets are available.
Individual requirements
We’re planning to build a simple responsive web application, but before actually starting to build anything we want to create a set of detailed test scenarios. Your task in this challenge is to write Cucumber (Gherkin) scenarios that test the application requirements (see below). Make sure to split the test scenarios into separate features and not place all of them in a single user story/feature.
NOTE: in addition to the challenge prizes we will pay out 3x$50 prizes for inovative scenarios that test out some edge cases we didn't specifically mention in the spec. These prizes will be awarded after the challenge is closed and no appeals will be accepted.
Application details: It’s the end of the semester and university students are eager to see their grades. Provided a list of Grades, create a web application that displays the semester results.
Add a Toolbar at the top of page that has an option to filter by student name.
Display all the Grade data that scales for desktop and mobile viewports (display width 320-1920)
The design does not have to be in a list format; creativity with the design of the page is highly encouraged
Below is a sample layout, formatting the data in a list.
Desktop viewport
Mobile viewport
On mobile viewports, it is not encouraged to show the same amount of information as the Desktop. The information to display is listed below from most important to least important:
Student Name
Class Name
Teacher Name
Meta Data Items
Visualize the Grades using the ‘Grade A’, through ‘Grade F’ PXBlue icons.
• Calculate the grades using the following tiers:
A: 100% - 90%
B: <90% - 80%
C: <80% - 70%
D: <70% - 60%
F: <60%
The List of Grades should be responsive, and data should be removed in the following order:
Meta Data
The list of Grades should be sorted by grade, highest to lowest, and then sub-sorted by student name in descending order (A appears before Z).
Each Grade has the following schema:
type Grade = {
grade: number;
className: string;
teacherName: string;
studentName: string;
metaData: GradeMetaData[];
type GradeMetaData = {
data: string;
backgroundColor: string;
Data will be loaded from a static json file
What to submit
Submit the identified test scenarios (cucumber feature files)