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Challenge Overview

Challenge Overview

  • Add Unit Tests for the frontend codebase.


Project background

Proteus platform targeted to achieve resource efficiency, focus on Lean process, standards and policies by assisting in automating device on-boarding and device acceptance process

More specifically, Platform designed to have integration with NMT tools in order to perform device registration and validation for given devices


Technology Stack

  • Backend

    • Python 2.7

    • Flask

    • MySql

    • Celery + Flower + Redis

  • Frontend

    • React.js


Individual Requirements

The code has these repositories:

  • - the front end ReactJS code
  • - the backend Python Flask REST APIs and Celery tasks
  • - mockup vapi micro service
  • - mockup bcg micro service
  • - instructions to setup the services locally.
You are responsible for the following tasks:
  • Add Unit Tests for the frontend repository, and the coverage should be at least 90%. In the unit-tests, you should mockup the API responses and make sure the apis are called properly. And make sure you have proper validation for each test case. 

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Deliverable
  • Patch files
  • Deployment and Verification Guide


2020 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30122225