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Challenge Overview

Challenge Objectives

  • Create wrapper methods for the Protractor API in the Topcoder testing library

About the Application

Topcoder is in the process of automating the testing of the topcoder website. This challenge is part of creating a library  that different  topcoder applications will use when creating their automation scripts. 

Technology stack


Repo : 

Branch : feature_create_wrappers

Detail Requirement

Write wrapper methods for the following protractor APIs. A few sample wrapper methods are written in each section for your reference. Please refer to for the APIs that need to be wrapped.

Create your wrapper methods here: topcoder-testing-lib/src/utils/element-helper.ts

Create wrappers for both element and element.all. Example methods created for reference (getAllElementsByCss and getElementByCss

Add an  additional optional parameter TcElementImpl to the wrapper methods to enable element chaining. Please update  existing wrapper methods to include this optional param. An example wrapper method getElementByClassName has been created for your reference


Create your wrapper methods here : 



A few methods have been created for your reference.


Create your wrapper methods here : topcoder-testing-lib/src/utils/browser-helper.ts

A few wrappers have already been created for your reference (Example : waitUnitilInVisibilityOf )

Your code must adhere to the tslint rules. If you have any questions please post on the forums.

Final Submission Guidelines

Git patch or a Zip file with the required files.


2020 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30123135