Challenge Overview
Welcome to the “CRM - Correspondence Backend Update (WBI) Challenge”. We are currently building an internal web application for a client. This application will be divided into frontend and backend. This one of a series of challenges to build both applications.
The client has requested to build a full stack application that involves both the backend REST API (Nest.JS) and a frontend application (Angular 9). This application will allow users to build a correspondence to clients based on Letter and Forms templates.
The goal of this challenge is to complete the correspondence backend API from the design specifications.
Technology and Framework
- NestJs
- Typescript
- NodeJs 12.x
- MongoDB
- Update the correspondence backend REST API from the provided documentation
- Must use the base code provided in the forum
- Swagger file and business logic documentation will be provided in the forum
- Web Responses and "Web Inquiry/Ask A Question" are in scope.
- "Web Responses" will communicate with MongoDB
- Some operations will be available only for Admins - JWT id token must be used to get userId and userRole properties
- The file wbi-catalog will be provided in the forum
- A script to load this file into MongoDB must be provided
- "Web Inquiry/Ask A Question" will communicate with client's internal contact API. The following endpoints of the contact API must be mocked
- GET /web-inquiry/{webInquiryId}
- PUT /web-inquiry/{webInquiryId}
- For connection with MongoDB, the TypeORM library must be used (don’t use mongoose)
- Unit test is in scope - database and external systems calls must be mocked
- Reference
- Existing code should have it's coverage increased. Final backend code should have >85% coverage
Final Submission Guidelines
- Updated correspondence backend
- Updated README file