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Challenge Overview

Challenge Objectives

  • Refactor and update  E2E tests for the topcoder community app

About the Application

Topcoder is in the process of automating the testing of the topcoder website. This challenge is part of refactoring and updating the test scripts for the community app.

Technology stack

  • Node.js

  • Jasmine

  • Protractor

  • TypeScript 


Please work on this branch.

Repo :

Branch : community-app-tests-poc

You will be working on this folder

Original Code: You will be refactoring and updating the code present here. Use this original code only as reference and reuse when applicable. You must NOT work on this branch.

Test cases: 

Test cases can be found here. Your test scripts must include all test cases present here.


Detailed Requirement

Refactor and update the test scripts for the following sections

  • Header

  • footer

  • Profile Settings

  • Tools

  • Account

  • Preferences  


Use the Topcoder testing library:

  • Use the helpers from the topcoder-testing-lib for element locators, browser actions etc

  • Do not import anything from protractor in your files. You must use the library for all such cases. 

  • In case the library does not contain the functionality that you require, you must add  the functionality to the library. Please use this branch for any such updates to the library.  

Test Data: 

  • All test data must be stored and accessed from the json files under the test data folder

  • Test data must be accessed only by the test spec files.

Please follow the below diagram when refactoring.


  • A few of the pages have undergone changes and the test cases have been updated accordingly. You must update the test scripts to reflect these changes. For example devices settings page, Header and Footer links, member search all have been updated since the original scripts were written. 

  • Complete/Correct any of the original test scripts that are incomplete/incorrect. You must follow the test cases excel file for reference.

Additional Information:

The below test cases have been already completed for your reference. 

  • Login and Logout 

  • Verify User can Add/Update/Delete Subscriptions (TC-004 under Tools tab). 

You can test your scripts against  the dev env


If you have any questions please post on the forums.



Final Submission Guidelines

Git patch file for the community app and library(if updated)


2020 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30124572