Challenge Overview
Welcome to the “CRM - Correspondence Backend Unit Test Coverage Challenge”. We are currently building an internal web application for a client. This application will be divided into frontend and backend.
The client has requested to build a full stack application that involves both the backend REST API (Nest.JS) and a frontend application (Angular 9). This application will allow users to send correspondence to clients.
The goal of this challenge is to improve the unit test coverage of the backend application.CHALLENGE DETAILS
Technology and Framework
- NestJs
- Typescript
- NodeJs 12.x
- The main goal of the challenge is to bring the unit test coverage to 100%
- For each 1% less in UT coverage will be 1 point deduction in major requirements
- Unit test must not depend on any external system (backend or database)
- All lint errors must be fixed
- Existing source code will be provided in the forum
Final Submission Guidelines
- Updated backend code