Challenge Overview
Welcome to the “CRM - Search and Validation Angular Application Updates Challenge”. We are currently building an internal web application for a client. This application will be divided into frontend and backend.
The client has requested to build a full stack application that involves both the backend REST API (Nest.JS) and a frontend application (Angular 9). This application will allow users to do search and validation before creating a case.
The main goal of this challenge is to improve the unit test to the frontend application.CHALLENGE DETAILS
Technology and Framework
- Angular 9
- Typescript
- NodeJs 12.x
- Angular Material
- Anguarl Flex Layout
- The main goal of the challenge is to add unit tests
- Tests should be validated in Chrome and Edge
- Reference:
- Production build should not have any issues
- Angular application must past lint and NPM audits
- NPM Audit should not have any high or critical issues
- Add unit tests to the Angular Application (frontend) for the service calls (backend calls)
- 100% coverage for service calls is in scope
- We want at least 95% coverage of each individual file
- Backend calls must be mocked
Final Submission Guidelines
- Angular project source code
- Unit tests
- covering the environment requirements, deployment, and how the tests are run