Challenge Overview
Challenge Overview
Welcome to the Apophis Bunker App API challenge. Our goal here is to implement order and history endpoints for the application. Swagger, db model design and base code are provided - Node + Postgres
NOTE: Challenge winner will be offered an additional task to implement remaining api endpoints and work on the future improvements to the backend
Project Overview
The intent of this project is to create an MVP web application - Bunker Desk Tool Kit - to manage the activities currently done with a combination of excel tools and manual tasks. Using the new web application, users will be able to:
Schedule bunker deliveries and resupply movements
Report and communicate effectively with third-party terminals, barges, and agents
Provide optimal blend opportunities
Update Marketers and Traders of the status of inventories and deliveries
Technology Stack
Swagger API definition, database model, and base code are provided in the forums.
Individual requirements
Endpoints in scope are (swagger tags match these sections):
Orders (primary requirement - nothing else can be implemented without this part)
The main purpose of the order endpoints is to track inventory (volume) of oil in tanks and barges. You will notice the database model does not specify all the implementation details for order.additionalData - it is up to you to decide whether to implement it using polymorphic relations, additional columns or some different approach.
There are a few important fields in the order details that affect the data that needs to be added/updated in the database when creating/updating/deleting a transaction. Three important fields are transaction date, type and status. Date determines a time when the inventory changes of that transaction affect the inventory. Transaction type and status determine whether the inventory is affected by the transaction. The following are possible transaction types:
Load Barge (LB) - loading from oil tanks to barge
Delivery(D) - loading from barge to the target ship
Load Delivery(LD) - loading from oil tanks to ship directly (without using a barge)
Resupply Load(R) - loading from a refinery to a barge
Resupply Discharge(S) - loading from barge to tank
Pipeline (P) - loading from refinery directly to tank via pipeline (not using a barge)
Tank Transfer(TT) - transferring oil between tanks
Unavailable(U) - used only as a marker that a barge/tank is not available
And the following are the transaction statuses:
In Progress
Define the types/statuses as enumerations in the codebase instead of using strings everywhere. Some status values are not valid for all transactions: Unavailable can only be Confirmed, In Progress, Completed, and Cancelled. All the other ones can have any status with the exception that Delivered is valid for D, LD, D, and Completed is valid for LB, R, S, P, TT, U.
Inventory is always stored in the database directly. What needs to be done once an order is created/updated is to first determine if it affects the tank/barge inventory (based on type/status) and then update all the operations_history entries with later dates to reflect the new volume - this should be done in a single transaction so we don’t have dirty reads/writes. Also, make sure to handle the case where tanks are changed (ex tank 1 and tank 2 are used initially, but then order is updated to use tanks 2 and 4. Same thing with different barges).
Orders of type U do not affect the inventory. Same thing with orders with status cancelled, but make sure to update the operations_history if an order is moved from Confirmed/In Progres status to Cancelled.
Any update to an order will increase the revision number and store the change description to the database (revisions and descriptions can be fetched with GET ���/orders���/{orderId}���/revisions endpoint.
POST ���/orders���/{orderId}���/nomination is not in scope
All database models should be defined using sequelize - use camelCase for attribute names. Follow the code structure of the starter pack codebase. On application startup, create a default app user with super admin role and default user name “superAdmin”.
NOTE: unit tests are NOT required
What to submit
Submit the updated codebase
README document with deployment and verification steps
Postman collection to verify the endpoints