Challenge Overview
Challenge Summary
Welcome to the “Wellmark Billing Rate App Backend API” challenge! The goal of this challenge is to create the API from the provided Swagger File.
Project Overview
Our client wants to build a tool that has the capability to calculate & view rates for a given population of contracts within specified groups or lists of members. For that you have to develop API, please go through the Individual requirement section for more details.
Technology Stack
- Open API 3.0
- Node.js 12.x
- NestJS
The following items are shared on the forum
Design document (Swagger File) and other supporting documents
Individual requirements
Implement following endpoints, whose implementation notes can be found in the forum.
- GET /authorize
- POST /rate-inquiry/
- POST /rate-inquiry/{type}/{file}
- GET /files/
- GET /files/{filename}
- DELETE /files/{filename}
- Please ensure that you are following best practices of API development
- No lint errors in API code.
- Unit tests are required with a minimum of 90% coverage
- Unit tests should be done each method independently
- If you have any doubts, Please feel free to post it in the forum. We will be happy to resolve your queries as soon as possible.
Final Submission Guidelines
Please submit the zip file containing- Updated source code