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Challenge Overview


Project Context

The client is looking for an upgrade and migration from JSF technology to React for one of their systems.

Challenge Context

Add Unit Tests in React UI.

Expected Outcome

Add Unit Tests, test coverage is over 80%

Challenge Details

Technology Stack

  • ReactJS Latest (v16.13.1)
  • Jest
  • Redux
  • Javascript

Individual Requirements

  • You must add unit test for all the code in the codebase. Minimum coverage is 80%. This is major requirements. Test coverage not reaching 80% will be considered as failed submission.
  • All containers and components should be tested.
  • You need to test interations in containers (click certain link, update sorting option etc). This is major requirement.
  • End-to-end testing is NOT in scope.
  • Your submission must add a script (or command) to run the tests and generate a coverage report.
  • No existing code should be modified and no existing features should be broken.
  • There should be no linting errors or warnings with the unit tests code.

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Codebase with added unit tests.
  • Updated README to reflect the changes done in this challenge (for example how to run your tests and where to check the coverage report)


2020 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30129014