AutoPilot - Login, Create Map and Delete Map

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Challenge Overview

1. Context:


Client wants to create an iOS Native Mobile App to explore how AR can be used for assisted navigation (indoor and outdoor) while relying heavily on computer vision libraries like ARKit  and with very little reliance on GPS.


2. Expected Outcome:

  • Source code for the required screens.  


3. Challenge Details


The challenge should implement the following screens. The App should support both indoor and outdoor modes. 


Prelogin and Login Screens

  • for login, please create a dummy login User ID and password: User IDs : Admin1, Admin2, User1, User2.

  • Maps created by Admin users, used by the user1, user2 to navigate.


Create Map Screens:

  • After login, the user can create a map. 

  • The placenote doesn’t support uploading images for the map, they should be uploaded to s3 (accessKey and secretKey should be configurable)

  • The circle at the bottom right shows the captured hotspots on the Map. 


Create New Map - Add Hotspots Screens:

  • When creating map, it should allow user to add hotspots. 

  • When saving the map, the map should be saved to placenote cloud, and we also want a copy of the map to be saved to S3. 


Delete Map

  • User is allowed to delete the created Map. 


  • Unity 3D / Swift

  • Placenote 

Final Deliverables

  • Source Code

  • Deployment and Verification Guide





Final Submission Guidelines

See above


2020 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30130461