Challenge Overview
Challenge Summary
Welcome to the “Billing Rate App- Bug hunt” challenge! The goal of this challenge is to find any outstanding issues in the provided web-based application. This application includes a frontend app, backend rest API, and AWS batch Job.
NOTE: You will need to deploy applications locally, an AWS account is required.
NOTE: This challenge will have 24h for registration (after which source code will be shared) and then 48h for bug hunting.
Project Overview
Our client wants to build a tool that has the capability to calculate & view rates for a given population of contracts within specified groups or lists of members.
- For this, we have developed a frontend application from where users can upload the rate inquiry request.
- This request is saved in AWS S3 as a CSV file(which we will call input file) in the “/input” directory.
- This input file will be processed by a service running on the AWS batch job(which we will call rate file processor).
- The rate file processor will consume the existing client’s API and prepare the result.
- The processor will save the result into another AWS S3 directory “/results/”.
- The result can be either successful or failure. If the result is successful then the result file format will be .csv else .err file.
- This results file will be accessible to the user through the frontend app.
So far, we have developed all three parts a frontend prototype, backend rest API and rate file processor job. Now in this challenge, we will be finding issues in this system.
Technology Stack
Node.js 12.x, Angular, Typescript, AWS S3, AWS Batch Job, AWS Cloudwatch
A Responsive web-app supporting the following devices and browsers.
- Windows: Edge / IE11 / Chrome
- Mac OS: Chrome
- Mobile: chrome
- tablet: chrome
Provided Resources
- Source codes for the application
- Requirement Documents with previous challenges
Prize Distribution
The submitters with the highest score will win the contest’s prizes. The score will be based on the weight of issue as:
- Functionality: 10 points
- other: 5 points
The other submitters will receive a prize of $5 for each unique bug accepted up to a maximum of $100.
- Follow the standard Topcoder Bug Hunt Rules (if any conflict please ask in the forum)
Please log each unique defect on the Github repository. The repo URL will be shared after the registration period is over.
Issue template
- Steps to reproduce(required)
- Detail steps in markdown format
- Screenshots or Video(required)
- Attach within the issue itself, don’t store elsewhere
- Current results(required)
- Detail of what is wrong currently
- Expected results(required)
- Detail of what should be the proper result
- Device and Tools(required)
- Tools you have used and required to replicate the defects.
- browser and OS are required at a minimum.
Final Submission Guidelines
Defects should be directly created on Github.Before the submission phase ends, please submit a zip file containing a text file with your Topcoder and Github usernames in the submission phase.