Challenge Overview
1. Context:
Client wants to create an iOS Native Mobile App to explore how AR can be used for assisted navigation (indoor and outdoor) while relying heavily on computer vision libraries like ARKit and with very little reliance on GPS.
2. Expected Outcome:
Source code for the required screens.
3. Challenge Details
The challenge should implement the following screens. You need to ensure the map is created correctly by the existing code, so the navigation can be implemented successfully.
Relocalization Screens
User can click the Navigation button to enter the navigation mode.
Then user can move the camera to relocalize and download the map.
The hotspots created in the create-map step should be displayed.
User can click the “x” icon to go back to 1st screen below.
Search Destination:
User can tap a hotspot to set it as the destination to navigate to.
Search Destination:
User can also tap the search icon and enter text to find the matched hotspots, and then select a hotspot to navigate to
location search - search/list based destination picking, automatically show list of hotspots around you.
nearby - while navigating to your chosen destination, app will show other important hotspots (interesting destinations) on the way, when you pass them by.
quickly filter chips - only need to support Nearby and Recent - show the nearby and recent visited hotspots
Navigation routes should be displayed to guide user to the selected destination
The A* Path Finding algorithm should be used to find the route
turn-by-turn AR navigation - provide AR turn-by-turn navigation to the chosen destination. There might be possibilities of taking stairs, elevators and escalators during navigation
show time/distance to the destination
show miniature Map navigation
A* Path Finding:
Final Deliverables
Patch File
Deployment and Verification Guide
Demo Video