Challenge Overview
1. Context:
Modularize the provided codebase to create a library of components so that:
The library of components can be installed via npm
The library of components will contain the required HTML and Typescript templates
The required CSS for the components will be imported from a separate library
The components will meet the provided design specifications
The components will meet the provided functionality specifications, including all inputs and outputs
2. Expected Outcome:
The purpose of this challenge is to thoroughly test the app's features on the required browsers.
3. Challenge Details
- The following types of issues are being looked for:
- Bugs in modularized components
- Bugs in the pattern pages
The detailed requirement and code will be provided after the registration phase is over.
A Responsive web-app supporting the following devices and browsers.
- Edge / IE11 / Chrome / Safari
- Desktop / Tablet / Mobile Browsers
Prize Distribution
The submitters with the highest score will win the contest’s prizes. The score will be based on the weight of issue as:
- Functionality: 10 points
- other: 5 points
The other submitters will receive a prize of $5 for each unique bug accepted up to a maximum of $100.
- Follow the standard Topcoder Bug Hunt Rules (if any conflict please ask in the forum)
Please log each unique defect on the Gitlab repository. The repo URL will be shared after the registration period is over.
Issue template
- Steps to reproduce(required)
- Detail steps in markdown format
- Screenshots or Video(required)
- Attach within the issue itself, don’t store elsewhere
- Current results(required)
- Detail of what is wrong currently
- Expected results(required)
- Detail of what should be the proper result
- Device and Tools(required)
- Tools you have used and required to replicate the defects.
- browser and OS are required at a minimum.
Final Submission Guidelines
Before the submission phase ends, please submit a zip file containing a text file with your Topcoder and Github usernames in the submission phase.