Challenge Summary
Note: any tools and any formats of animations are accepted - even sequence of PNGs
Read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. Let us know if you have any questions in the challenge forum.
Challenge Objectives
The scope of this challenge is the following:
- 1 interactive component/ feature in desktop format (mobile is optional)
- Come up with creative concepts for showing an interactive feature that we be part of a larger pricing interactive component (designed at a later date)
- We are NOT looking for you to design an entire pricing page. Just one component of that future page.
- Any animation format is accepted
- The design should allow with Topcoder brand
Project Background
- The interactive feature we are designing is for Topcoder’s customers and should provide an interactive experience for them
- The screen should be visually engaging but not too complex
- The data provided (pricing table image) should be used as a sample as it will change, we are looking for concept only
1. Interactive Feature
Current pricing table for content reference: pricing table.
- Provide a visual way to show a customer would get with each pricing tier
- Pricing table information should just be used for content only. We are looking for something different than a pricing table and whatever you design should complement the table. The table will be shown further down on the finished page.
- DO NOT just recreate the pricing table and animate it
- Pull out the high-level info and create an interactive way for a customer to quickly see what the differences in the 4 tiers are and/or what they get in each tier.
- You do not have to include every item for each tier. Just the 4–6 high-level ones (like for example: “Topcoder’s 1.5M Global Community”, “Standard Projects”, “Existing TaaS Pools”, “Enterprise-Grade Security”). You can choose any items you wish from the list.
- Again, what those actual items are is less important as they could change over time.
- Think about the concept, layout, and interactivity more than what items are being shown.
- Unique/ creative visualization is more important rather than quickly compare the items between different tiers (that's what the pricing table will do)
- The design and animation should be visually engaging, but not overwhelming or too complex
- Think more information design vs. complex animation
- We are not looking for completed animations, but it should be clear on how you intend the interactivity to work. This could be through a series of screens or quick animated gifs to show your concept and idea.
- The design should align with Topcoder brand (read more on branding section)
- The actual items that are being shown aren't as important as how they are being shown. The high-level items for each tier might change over time. We should be able to do that without breaking the concept or having to redo it.
- Should be responsive. Works just as well on mobile as desktop. If you can supply a single screen of how this could translate to mobile that would be great, but not a requirement. Desktop is the focus for now.
- Inspiration: the "Which plan is right for you" section – you can see how changing between different tiers shows different features. Obviously this same animation and content setup doesn't work for our purposes or the Topcoder business model. But, the interactive idea of showing different "tiers" of service are valid.
- Web application: should fit within a roughly 1440(w)px by 800(h)px space
Target Audience
- Topcoder Customers
Branding Guidelines
- You can download the Topcoder logo from here
- The design should follow the style of and TCO20 look and feel.
- For fonts use Barlow Condensed family for headlines and Roboto for regular text and colors.
- Here’s a link to the Topcoder GUI KIT to get an idea of colors and fonts
Stock Photos and Images
- Stock Photos are not allowed
- Stock Icons are accepted as per Topcoder policy
Final Deliverables
- When submitting you should upload a zip file that contains the following 4 files:
- Submission: your exported animation preview in any format. Place these files into a "" file.
- Source: all your source files in which you created the animation and design. Files can be created in any tool as any software is accepted. Place these files into a "" file.
- Declaration notes you might have
- A JPG/PNG preview of your submission
- Marvel projects are NOT required for this challenge
Please read the challenge specification carefully and watch the forums for any questions or feedback concerning this challenge. It is important that you monitor any updates provided by the client or Studio Admins in the forums. Please post any questions you might have for the client in the forums.