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Challenge Overview


Over the last few months, a series of challenges have been run to generate a series of high quality financial forecasts for a telecommunications brand, in particular its consumer brands. We are now extending the challenge to cover the brands Business Voice products for its business segments. These challenges have been known as ‘CFO Forecasting’ in various formats and as a result, high quality, highly accurate algorithmic forecasts have been produced for a number of financial target variables.


Similar to the CFO Forecasting challenge for Consumer Voice Brands 1 and 3, this new challenge is being initiated to generate similar high quality predictions for the brands voice products and their performance in key segments. A series of models on the performance of each product for each segment will be provided as part of the challenge.

Business context

This challenge is focused on predicting the performance of six key product types: 


The three variable types that form the basis of this challenge are financial metrics:

  • Closing Base - the number of subscribers by product at the end of the month.

  • Revenue - the total revenue generated by the subscriber base per product per month. For this exercise this will either be: Line Rental, Call Revenue or Bundle (Option) fees.

  • Minutes - the total call volume generated by the subscriber base per product per month.

These three ‘continuous’ variables have a significant monthly recurring component with some monthly incremental changes (both positive and negative). 


Across all product types and segments, this challenge consists of 15 variables that will need to be calculated. These are outlined in the Challenge Objective below.


Challenge Objective

The objective of this challenge is to generate the highest accuracy predictions possible for the 15 financial variables outlined below. The accuracy of the forecast must improve on the Threshold target quoted for each variable / product in the Thresholds and Targets section below. 

The segments are defined in the table below:

The model should be tailored to a 12 month forecast horizon but must be extendable beyond this time period.  


Your submission will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • MAPE (Mean Absolute Percentage Error) of the predictions on the privatised data set over a period of 6 months from October 2019 - March 2020. More details in the scoring section.

  • Robustness: Robustness testing and results required in submission. See Appendix for methodology.

  • Acceptance Criteria: Full conformance required to ‘Acceptance Criteria for Submission’ - see full details in appropriate section.


Business Insights 

Price Increases

Over the period of the data set, regular annual price increases have been applied to the customer bases of both brands. The details of the average increase vary, however the timing is included in the data sets for each brand.  Price increases will impact the following variables to a greater or less extent. Building in this impact may improve accuracy of the ‘Revenue’ predictions.


The effect of the price increase should be distinguished from outliers and handled appropriately.  It is important to document treatment of both price increases and any identified outliers. 


Percentage change in pricing

Closing base adjustments

The annual re-classification of customers between segments typically occurs at the beginning of each financial year (April). As Sandesh Brand 4 customers grow in size (revenue and employee count) they are reclassified as Sandesh Brand 5 customers, this can be seen in closing base numbers. It is also important to point out that customers from other brands not listed (or part of this challenge) can also be reclassified and moved into Sandesh Brand 4 or Sandesh Brand 5.

An exogenous variable to indicate re-classification of customers is added in the row immediately below the variable for which this has significant impact. 

Financial Year modeling

Sandesh reports its financial year from April - March.  This may contribute to seasonality based on financial year, and quarters (Jun, Sep, Dec, and Mar), rather than calendar year.


Anonymised and Privatised data set


‘Z-score’ is used to privatise the real data.


For all the variables, following is the formula used to privatise the data:

            zi = (xi – μ) / σ


where zi = z-score of the ith value for the given variable

            xi  = actual value

            μ = mean of the given variable

            σ = standard deviation for the given variable


Modeling Insight derived from previous challenges


Univariate time-series models (eg. Sarima) have given good results on most of the variables whereas for others multivariate time-series models (eg. SarimaX) have given good results.

Univariate/Multivariate model mapping for each variable has been indicated in the table below that have worked well on ‘Actuals’. However, this is only an indication and participants are encouraged to try and use other models including ‘Deep Learning’ models to improve performance.

Thresholds and Targets

Table to be included

The performance of the models on privatised data is not directly correlated with performance on Real Data.  These Thresholds and Targets have been generated using the foundation models described below.


Your submission will be judged on two criteria.

  1. Minimizing error (MAPE).

  2. Achieving the Thresholds and Targets designated in the tables above.


The full evaluation criteria will be outlined in the Quantitative Scoring section below.


Final Submission Guidelines

Submission Format

You submission must include the following items

  • One prediction file over the forecast time period (Oct19 – March20). We will evaluate the results quantitatively (See below). Please stick to the following prediction file format.

    • Please use Time Period, Generic Keys as the column names.

    • The values in Time Period column are something like 2019-10

    • The values in each Generic Key column is the predicted values, i.e., floating numbers.

    • The final spreadsheet has a Nx(M+1) shape, where N is the number of time periods and M is the number of variables that we want to predict in this challenge. “+1” is for the Time Period column.

  • A report about your model, including data analysis, model details, local cross validation results, and variable importance. 

  • A deployment instructions about how to install required libs and how to run.

Acceptance criteria for Submission

  1. Working Python code which works on the different sets of data in the same format

  2. Report with clear explanation of all the steps taken to solve the challenge (refer section “Challenge Details”) and on how to run the code

  3. No hardcoding (e.g., the hyper-parameters of your model cannot be hardcoded. It must be adaptive to the training set.) in the code is allowed. We will run the code on some different datasets

  4. All models in one code with clear inline comments 

  5. Flexibility to extend the code to forecast for additional months

  6. Python code to include Robustness Testing as explained below:

Quantitative Scoring

Quantitative Scoring will consist of two parts:


MAPE on Prediction Window


Given two values, one ground truth value (gt) and one predicted value (pred), we define the relative error as:


    MAPE(gt, pred) = |gt - pred| / gt


We then compute the raw_score(gt, pred) as


    raw_score(gt, pred) = max{ 0, 1 - MAPE(gt, pred) }


That is, if the relative error exceeds 100%, you will receive a zero score in this case.


The final MAPE score for each variable is computed based on the average of raw_score, and then multiplied by 100.


Final score = 100 * average( raw_score(gt, pred) )


You will also receive a score between 0 and 1 for all the thresholds and targets that you achieve.  Each threshold will be worth 0.033 points and each target will be worth 0.05 points.  Obviously if you achieve the target for a particular variable you’ll get the threshold points as well so you’ll receive 0.083 points for that variable.  Your points for all the variables will be added together.

Judging Criteria

Your solution will be evaluated in a hybrid of quantitative and qualitative way. 

  • Effectiveness (80%)

    • We will evaluate your forecasts by comparing it to the ground truth data. Please check the “Quantitative Scoring” section for details.

    • The smaller MAPE the better. 

    • Please review the targets and thresholds above as these will be included in the scoring.

  • Clarity (10%)

    • The model is clearly described, with reasonable justifications about the choice.

  • Reproducibility (10%)

    • The results must be reproducible. We understand that there might be some randomness for ML models, but please try your best to keep the results the same or at least similar across different runs.

Checklist for Submission:

Please ensure to fill-up and submit following table along with the submission:


Robustness testing methodology:


Once model building is done, robustness of the model has to be calculated. Robustness evaluation is done on a rolling forecasting from origin. See the below image for the details. (This is just a sample image. Dates may change for the training and forecasting horizon and are mentioned in point no. 6 below)


  1. Every horizontal line represents one iteration. 

  2. Blue windows are the training period and Orange windows are the forecasting period.

  3. One separate directory to be created with the name “/Robust” to store the forecast for all the iterations.

  4. Forecast to be saved in a .csv file with the name ‘submission’ affixed with the iteration number e.g. name of .csv file to be ‘submission1’. Inside the file submission.csv, please ensure that the variables that are being forecasted should be stacked horizontally. Please refer below table for better understanding

  1. Separate python function/module to be created, which will call the model to generate the forecast for different period as explained in the above image. This is required for code modularity. This function should be parameterized with a boolean parameter so that we can run the code with or without robustness testing

  2. The function/module for the robustness, should have below input parameters.

  1. Start date of the training window of the iteration 1. (April2019)

  2. End Date of the training window of the iteration 1. (March-2020)

  3. Forecast period i.e. number of months to forecasts. (12 months)

  4. Number of iterations. (12 iterations to be done)

  5. For subsequent iteration Train/Forecast start and end month should be automatically calculated based on the input given in step a) and b) as shown in the above image.

  1. While running this module, you should use the final model based on training data till September 2019. For an example if it’s an ARIMA model then p, d, q values should be the same throughout all the iterations. If it’s a LSTM then hyper-parameters such as epochs, number of LSTM units, look back/look forward etc. should be the same as your final model built for date range mentioned in point 8. All the iterations should run on the same parameter configuration. All these final hyper-parameters to be stored in a config file. And this config file should be used to run the robustness testing

  2. Robustness will be calculated based on MAPE over 12 iterations.



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