Challenge Overview
Build the backend infrastructure based on the microservices architecture.
Java 8 to Java 11
Spring 5.2.8
Spring Boot 2.3.3
Spring Security 5.3.5
Spring GCP Cloud
Istio (Discovery Service)
Apigee (API Gateway)
JSON (gzipped)
Open Api Spec 3.0
The following common and generic requirements must all be followed:
Use com.cyn as the root package name
Follow the coding standards provided in the forum, please include a command in maven script to run code style checking, likely using the Maven Checkstyle Plugin
Implement an authorization microservice
Implement an authentication microservice
Implement an account microservice
Implement an API Gateway
Each of the microservice and API gateway needs to be buildable and deployable on its own, i.e. there should be no direct build dependency between any of them so we can have them in separate repos.
Licenses to be followed in development:
Apache License 2.0
MIT License
Common Development and Distribution License
Eclipse Public License version 2.0
Service should follow Spring Slueth Tracking (check the Server Side Request Tracking document shared in the forum)
Implement logging properly for each service and api gateway
Please follow the requirements in the Server Side Logging document shared in the forum
You must use Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) for Trace Logging
Exception handling should be implemented as described in the Service Exceptions Coding Convention document shared in the forum
Service Registration and Service Discovery must be implemented
Data traversal between the logical layers in microservice architecture should follow the scope bounding rules for application entities and domain entities, separation of concerns needs to be adhered to strictly:
Other guidelines mentioned in the Guiding Principles document shared in the forum must be followed, this is also considered a major requirement of this challenge.
Service configurations must be done in key=value format so that it’s compatible with Kubernetes’s ConfigMap, and should support environment variable based configuration as well.
Reusability as much as possible. Please build common components in order to delegate basic activities like Encryption, decryption, masking, hashing etc. These components can be packaged into its own common components archives, reusable by all the microservices being developed. This is considered a major requirement of this challenge.
Authorization Microservice
The authorization microservice should take a list of roles as input, and return a list of permissions to the caller
Service registration and discovery must be implemented for this service
This service should not be exposed via the API gateway
Proper configuration & logging should be implemented
Provide a docker file for this microservice so we can build it into a docker image
Authentication Microservice
The authentication microservice will accept username and password from the caller and authenticate that against user data configured in the configuration file or a json file
The user data in the file should include the following fields at a minimum:
User Id
First Name
Last Name
Hashed Password
If the provided user credentials are valid, this service will invoke the authorization microservice to get the list of permissions, then it will generate a JWT token that’s returned to the caller. The JWT token should at least include the following:
User Id
First Name
Last Name
Token expiration time (please make this configurable)
JWT token has to be combined with JSON Web Signature (JWS) and JSON Web Encryption (JWE). Together these specs provide not only all the information usually needed for an authorization token, but also a means to validate the content of the token so that it cannot be tampered with (JWS) and a way to encrypt information so that it remains opaque to the client (JWE). Make sure reusable functionality is implemented in a common library that can be used by all the microservices.
Service registration and discovery must be implemented for this service. The authorization service should NOT be hardcoded into this service. Instead, it should be found and invoked via service discovery.
This service should be exposed via the API gateway
Proper configuration & logging should be implemented, for this specific service, we must include the following in the logs:
Record IP Address, time of login, the channel of login, geo location for each user logging into the system
Record the geo location from which the request is being made
Record last login date and time in persistence storage
Do not log any personal information of the customer
Do not log the password or any other sensitive information in the logs
Provide a docker file for this microservice so we can build it into a docker image
Account Microservice
An account will have the following fields:
User Id
Account Number (string)
Alias (string)
Currency (string)
Amount (float)
When the account microservice receives a request, it needs to get the JWT token from the Authorization header and verify that the token is valid and that the user has permissions to the actions, otherwise it should return 401 error
The account microservice should support the following operations:
Create account:
allowed if permission “account.create” exists
List accounts:
Returns the current user’s accounts
List accounts by user id:
Allowed only if permission “account.list” exists
Update account:
Updating the alias is allowed if permission “account.update” exists or the user id in the JWT matches the user id in the account to be updated
Updating the amount is only allowed if permission “account.update” exists
Delete account:
allowed if permission “account.delete” exists
All such data will only be saved in memory for this service
Service registration and discovery must be implemented for this service
This service should be exposed via the API gateway
Proper configuration & logging should be implemented
Provide a docker file for this microservice so we can build it into a docker image
API Gateway
This serves as an entry for access to all the underlying microservices that need to be exposed
When the API gateway receives an authentication request, it invokes the Authentication Microservice to do the authentication, and if that succeeds the gateway will:
Generate a unique opaque access token
Save the opaque access token along with the JWT into the memory
Return the opaque access token to the caller
When the API gateway receives other requests with an access token in the Authorization header, it will:
Look up that access token in the storage
If the token doesn’t exist, this is an invalid request and the gateway will return 401 error
If the token exists, get the JWT and check if it’s still valid, if not the gateway will also return 401 error and remove the (token, JWT) tuple from the storage
If the JWT is still valid, it will forward the request to the corresponding underlying microservice with JWT included in the Authorization header
The API gateway should not hardcode any of the underlying microservices. Instead, they should be found and invoked via service discovery
Proper configuration & logging should be implemented
Provide a docker file for the API Gateway so we can build it into a docker image
Final Submission Guidelines
Full code that covers all the requirements.
A detailed README file including information on how to configure, run, and verify your application.
Maven script(s) that at least cover the following:
Run the services locally
Build the API gateway and each microservice into separate packages that can be deployed independently
Build the API gateway and each microservice into separate docker images
Generate a sitemap for the project using Maven Site Plugin (mvn site)
Postman collection file to properly test the API (covering positive and negative cases).