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Challenge Overview

Welcome to the challenge! The goal of this challenge is to find any outstanding issues in the provided web-based application. The format for reporting the bugs are given in the Gitlab. 

This challenge will open for 12 hrs registration period and then 48 hrs for bug hunting and submission. Information about the submission phase is posted in the forum.

First 12 hours - Only Bug Reporting allowed and Last 36 hours - Bug Reporting and Bug Challenge allowed.


Please check the project background here


Application Testing URL  : Please find the forum section.


Perform the exploratory testing as being an End user of this application. 

Scope of Testing: Functional, Performance, UI and UX.


Platforms and Browsers:

Windows: IE 11+, Edge, Chrome latest
Mac: Safari Latest, Edge, Chrome Latest

iOS: mobile and tablet(safari & chrome only)
Android: mobile and tablet(chrome browser)

Bug Repository: Gitlab


  • Scoring will be based on the number of bugs by weight.  Be sure to correctly attach a weight to your bug. The delivery team has the right to change a severity at their discretion.

  • Scoring is directly proportional to weight:  Weight 1 = 1 point, Weight 10 = 10 points.

  • The participant with the highest score will win the 1st place - $200 the member who gets the 2nd most points will win $100.The other top 5 submitters will receive a prize of $5 for each unique bug accepted up to a maximum of $50.


  • The following points will be awarded as per issue category:

    • Functionality/Performance: 5 Points

    • UI/UX: 2 Points

  • Challenge points for bug successfully reproduced:

    • Functional/Performance Issues: 2 Points

    • UI/UX Issues: 0.5 Points

  • Challenge points for bug having No Repro / Not a Bug / Duplicate / Out of Scope 

    • Reporter Loses Issue Points Value

    • Challenger Gains Issue Points Value

               Fig : Bug Challenge/Review Process Flow Diagram

                Important Notice

  • Follow the standard topcoder Bug Hunt Rules.

  • If you do not properly document your bug reports, they will likely be rejected due to lack of information or documentation. If you submit the same bug in multiple areas/pages, (for instance, Same validation issue of a form can be found in different pages/sections) you will likely get credit for the original bug report only. The others will all be closed as duplicates.

  • Please don’t make adjustments or change labels of existing issues logged by other competitors.   

  • DON'T RE-OPEN the issues in the review phase and anyone who RE-OPENS a ticket will be disqualified from the challenge.

  • DON'T create the same issue on different platforms; instead, merge them into one; All the others will be marked as Duplicate.

  • If you see multiple broken links on the same page, combine them into one ticket. Others will be marked as DUPLICATE.

  • You must not edit the bug report once created, so make sure you enter all the details at the time you create the issue, otherwise, your issue will be moved to the end of the queue. If you really need to edit an issue you must use the comments section for this (i.e. add a comment to describe any changes you want to make to the issue), and we'll decide whether the changes are major enough to move the issue to the end of the queue. You are allowed to add screen shots in the comments section though, assuming your issue report contains all the details when created.

  • You must specify the test data you have used in the 'Reproduction Steps', All the issues will be marked as 'Incomplete', if the correct test data is not provided.

  • Keep an eye on the issues being submitted by other participants to minimize the time you may be spending on duplicate efforts. Knowing what has already been reported will allow you to better focus your time on finding yet undiscovered issues.

  • There will be no appeals phase. The decision of PM/Copilot for validity and severity of each filled issue will be final. 

Final Submission Guidelines

For each report of a limitation or bug, we need the following information:

  • Issue Title

  • Device: The type of device used.  

  • Operating System: OS being used. Only Windows, MacOS, Android and iOS are in scope.

  • Browser:  Latest stable Chrome, IE11, Edge, Firefox and Safari

  • Steps to reproduce, including any additional information (Must list all the steps that need to reproduce the bug.)

  • Actual result: What actually happened

  • Expected results: What should happen

  • Bug Type : Functional/Performance/UI/UX

  • Testing collateral: Screenshot(s) with issue highlighting (Video if needed)

When you are done with your reporting, please submit a .txt file in Direct using the "Submit" button before the submission phase ends. In this file please include the following details:

                       TopCoder Handle: <>

                       Gitlab Username: <>



2021 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30139574