Challenge Overview
Collateral Management Prototype Challenge
1. Project Context:
Create an angular prototype for the provided design.
2. Expected Outcome:
An angular prototype for the provided design.
3. Challenge Details
You are responsible for creating the prototype for the provided design screens. You need to create a common table component so that we can reuse it on other pages.
This common table component should support the following features as described in the provided use case document:
Multiple actions like: Download Selected, Download Filtered, Download File, Clear all search, Clear sort, layout, and Upload file. The Clear all search, Clear sort and layout actions are visible always. The other actions can be hidden by configuration.
Download should download the records as a CSV file, and it should be implemented in the front-end directly.
Sort by Column
Filter - various types of filters are supported for each column.
Multi-select dropdown list
It should aggregate the values from the current data
Date range
Time range
Simple expression for numeric columns
The filter and sort should be done locally.
Change Table Layout
Allow user to reorder the columns by drag and drop columns
Allow user to show/hide columns
Detailed use case documents will also be provided to you.
For both requests and transfer screens, please mockup two api responses and load data from local JSON files. You can refer to this API response for some sample data:
General Requirements
Make sure the code best practice is followed:
Make sure the used libraries have no vulnerabilities
Should avoid XSS attack
Technology Stack
Angular 8
All Browsers should be supported (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge and IE11)
Final Deliverables
Source Code
Verification Guide