Speed Out Evil Aliens: [Easy - 250 Points] React Skill Builder Competition

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Challenge Overview

This is the 250 points Easy level problem of Topcoder Skill Builder Challenge: React. For more challenge context info Register for the Host Competition before submitting a solution to this problem.

Problem Statement: Speed Out Evil Aliens

This is the EASY 250 points competition that the Evil Aliens have given to the people of Earth. Learn More and Register for this competition before submitting a solution to this problem.

The acceleration tool of the spaceship is broken and they can now only set the speed manually to accelerate in the designated way. They have given us a dumb website to help them with that. They asked us to create a simple speed acceleration calculator for them to help them know the speed they need to keep their power booster engines on to help their spaceship travel out of Earth.

What do you need to do?

  • You have to grab this starter pack: https://github.com/kriasoft/react-starter-kit
  • Add a new tab at the left side of ���About` tab in the header name it as ��� Speed Counter��� https://take.ms/Q6IIj , so once clicked on this ���Speed Counter��� tab, the simple Speed Counter feature will be revealed on the website and let the Evil Aliens will know the speed they need to keep when they want to accelerate in a systematic fashion.
  • The page should have three elements: `Current Speed 0` is used to identify the current speed value, `Increase Speed` button will increase the speed by 1 * 10%, `Decrease Speed` button will decrease the speed number by 1 * 10%
  • Important things to Note: The speed counter starts from 0, The speed counter never gets below 0, The speed counter never exceeds 2, which means when the counter reaches 2, it will stay at 2 for further `Increase Speed` operation.


  • We have prepared three problems: Easy, Medium, and Hard, which are worth 250, 500, 1000 points respectively. Points are based on the difficulty of the problem.
  • The competitions may or may not be related to each other.
  • The links to the problems/competitions are provided below.
  • Each problem has one single requirement to achieve. We will judge your submission based on the requirement being fulfilled in each problem, so as long as the requirements are met with minimal code quality, you would be rewarded with points for that particular problem.
  • Here is the leaderboard with individual problem score and total score across weeks is available.


  1. Easy: 250 Points :: Speed Out Evil Aliens
  2. Medium: 500 Points :: Food For Evil Aliens
  3. Hard: 1000 Points :: Trending Evil Aliens

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission deliverables
- You can submit a patch file against the provided codebase
- You can also submit your whole codebase to us.


2021 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30141447