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Challenge Overview

Challenge Objectives

    -    Build the e2e automation tests for our production Ognomy website based on the test cases design document

Technology Stack


     -   Automation Tests

     -   Javascript

File Access

     -   Test cases document will be provided in the forum


     In this challenge we will cover below test cases in Admin Test Cases tab:

     -   Login Page, 

     -   Dashboard Page, 

     -   Admin - Patient, 

     -   Admin - Physicians

     -   Automate the test cases using Cypress framework. (Test case design document and other related info is provided in the forum)

     -   Build the test scripts efficiently, abstract the common part among the test cases, and consider the extensibility

     -   Configuration items such as roles, credentials, target website url and anything else you see fit, should be put into a configuration file instead of hard-coding them in the scripts directly.

Important note: 

  1. please go through the test cases firstly in order to build test scripts efficiently.

  2. Also please play around the provided website and try to get familiar with it.

  3. The Admin E2E tab contains the overall steps to help you understand the workflow. 

Final Submission Guidelines

Submission deliverables

     -  Solution Code.

     -  A to cover the configuration and deployment of your solution, make sure it covers the instruction to your configuration items as well.

     -  A txt file contains all the prerequisite data required in order to run your automation tests solution.

     -  A short video to demonstrate your solution is working.


2021 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30141647