Challenge Overview
1. Project Context:
Create an angular prototype for the provided design.
2. Expected Outcome:
An angular prototype for the provided design.
3. Challenge Details
We have created the prototype in a previous challenge:
Now we want to extend the prototype to add some new screens. The tables in the new screens are already developed in the current codebase, you should reuse it in your implementation.
Here are the design for the new screens:
- RO Dashboard
- HO Dashboard
- Member Dashbaord
The cover screens are not needed. Some pages are already implemented in the current code.
The usecase documents will be provided in the forum.
Note that the existing code style should be followed, should have no lint error, and should define interfaces properly. etc.
And please define reasonable APIs instead of using a large JSON file.
General Requirements
Make sure the code best practice is followed:
Make sure the used libraries have no vulnerabilities
Should avoid XSS attack
Technology Stack
Angular 8
All Browsers should be supported (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge and IE11)
Final Deliverables
Patch file
Verification Guide