Challenge Overview
This is the 1000 points Easy level problem of Topcoder Skill Builder Challenge: Azure. For more challenge context info Register for the Host Competition before submitting a solution to this problem.
Problem Statement: DevOps - Board, Pipelines and Testing
After the Skillbook team found the solution to main issues with growing community and traffic, they want to make sure all new updates and features are tested by the QA team before going live.
We need your help to organize issues/features, create pipelines to deploy and test in a development environment.
What do you need to do?
- Integrate Github repo with Azure Boards to track issues, bug reports and new features
- Implement Azure Pipelines to automatic deploy master and develop branches:
- master - production server - develop - development server - Create test plans to issue and new feature with Azure Test Plans
- We have prepared three problems: Easy, Medium, and Hard, which are worth 250, 500, 1000 points respectively. Points are based on the difficulty of the problem.
- The competitions may or may not be related to each other.
- The links to the problems/competitions are provided below.
- Each problem has one single requirement to achieve. We will judge your submission based on the requirement being fulfilled in each problem, so as long as the requirements are met with minimal code quality, you would be rewarded with points for that particular problem.
- Here is the leaderboard with individual problem score and total score across weeks is available.
- Easy: 250 Points :: Move to Cloud
- Medium: 500 Points :: Load Balancer and Scalability
- Hard: 1000 Points :: DevOps - Board, Pipelines and Testing
Final Submission Guidelines
Submission deliverables
- README.txt with link to application and Azure resource group name
- Includes IP/URL to both servers Develop and Production in README.txt
- Includes Azure DevOps link URL to README.txt
- Add reviwer to Github fork with 'Owner' access
- Add reviewer to Azure resource group (check the forum)