Challenge Overview
Challenge Context
In this challenge, we will create mock server by given swagger file
Technology Stack
- Node.js 12.x
- Express
Individual Requirements
The Swagger file is shared in the forum.Add mocks for the following endpoints:
- /contracts/other_Insurance/{id}
- /contracts/add
- /contracts/plan_list/effective_dt/{effDt}/group/{group}/subGroup/{subGroup}
- /contracts/members/add
- /contracts/members/reinstate
- /contracts/demographics/update
- /contracts/group-info/{groupIdentifier}
- /contracts/relationships/{subscriberIdentifier}/{groupIdentifier}/{subGroupIdentifier}
- /contracts/rx-bundle/{groupId}/{subGroupId}/{planId}
- /contracts/cob-carriers
- /contracts/benefits/eed
- /contracts/cancel
- /contracts/cancel-reasons/{type}
Please create meaningful mock data, for example, one date field should have date string.
- Only 2xx, 400 and 401 responses are needed. For 400, please check field type and if any required field is missing. For 401, please check if auth header is provided.
- Please use JSON file for the mock data. It's not mandatory to update JSON when inserting or updating.
- The port of the mock server should be configurable.
- No need to have lint.
- No need to have tests.
Final Submission Guidelines
- Full Codebase- Postman collection to test the mock server
- covering environment preparation and how to run the mock