Challenge Overview
Risk Management Tool UI Prototype Challenge
Challenge Objectives
Create Angular UI prototype for risk management app - admin screens
Project Background
We’re building a Risk Management tool. Intended app workflow is fairly simple - admin users define risk matrix and risk register and regular users use it to track risks for an activity and they can add actions to mitigate risk and get the final remaining risk number. Even though the workflow is simple, there are a lot of configurable options both on the admin and user side and making the tool flexible to support all those options is a high priority for the tool
This challenge is building the ui prototype and followup challenges will focus on building the backend, testing and integration.
Technology Stack
Individual requirements
Screen designs are provided in the forums. Wireframes that describe the user flow are also provided in the forums for reference.
There are two types of users in the app: admin and regular user. Only admin user screens are in scope of this challenge
Here is a short overview of the admin user workflow:
Admin user is first defining a risk matrix - wireframe pages 34-54, and a risk register for that same matrix - wireframe pages 55-59
Risk matrix has the following properties (see wireframes page 37-38):
Name (string)
Type (string)
Matrix size - X and Y dimension (positive integers)
Labels for X and Y axis
Sorting order for both axes
Additional criteria columns (X axis columns)
Additional criteria rows (Y axis columns)
Short title for each criteria column
Title for each criteria column
Text for each combination of criteria column and each row (Y axis dimension)
Name of each row (number of rows is equal to Y axis dimension)
Name of each column (number of columns is equal to X axis dimension)
Text for each combination of criteria row and each column (X axis dimension)
Value for each combination of row and column (actual risk values)
Risk categories definition (wireframe page 40) - ordered list:
Risk level range (ex 1-3)
Risk level label (ex II - see page 47)
Qualitative evaluation
Those are just the underlying data attributes for defining a risk matrix. Additionally, each matrix should store presentation configuration attributes:
Location of X and Y axis labels (start, middle, end) - two attributes, one for each axis
Width of each criteria column (we’ll leave the interpretation of these attributes to frontend - just save a string value here - it’s up to the frontend developers to save either absolute width here or percentages)
Once a risk matrix is set up, the admin user has to configure a risk register for that matrix (matrix without a risk register won’t be used anywhere). Risk register is a table with lots of configuration options that tracks risk changes for a particular activity. Admin users should configure it, and regular users will fill in the actual rows. Risk register has the following columns:
RiskNo, HazardId, RiskType, Category, Reference that are all mandatory columns
Risk Code, Risk Code 2, Event, Cause, Consequence - default columns that can be hidden
Initial risk section - for each value of “additional columns” in the risk matrix, user should enter value for X axis, value for Y axis, and risk (this will be auto calculated).
Actions column, Status, Responsible, DueDate
Remaining risk - similar to initial risk section - holds the information on the risk remaining from initial risk after taking the actions from “Actions” column
Final Risk
Type (specific or generic)
Additional columns
Admin can add additional columns to risk register and each of those columns has these attributes:
Filter enabled flag
Type: Picklist, Text, Date
Allowed values in case the type is picklist
Admin users can also choose which columns will be visible for the end user. All columns except for mandatory columns and final risk can be hidden. Finally, column width can be saved for each column for presentation purposes (same behavior as criteria columns - just save a string value and let the frontend handle the interpretation)
Admin user features mapping to the design screens:
Project setup (screens 1-2)
Matrix setup (screens 3-23, except 3, 4, 7, 10, 11)
Keyboard shortcuts is out of scope
Reordering matrix columns is out of scope
Remove the select risk category feature shown in the designs
Editable column names in risk category popup is not in scope
Remove undo/redo features and save as draft
Risk register setup (screens 24-34)
Zoom feature is out of scope
What To Submit
Submit the full app code
Submit a Readme with details on how to configure, build, run the app