Project Context
This challenge is a part of the project aimed to add AI capabilities to Topcoder.
Challenge Context
Within the project context mentioned above, we want to create a member extractor processor to listen to events in the Topcoder bus and connect to the member extractor API.
Technology Stack
- Node.js
- Apache Kafka
- Docker
- Docker Compose
Individual Requirement
- Create the member skills extractor processor to listen to events and connect to the member extractor API
- We must listen to the following events:
- Challenge Update event: topic "challenge.notification.update". Check if status is "completed" and call the member extractor API to update the data ("update_member_profile" endpoint) with "async = true"
- Deployed member skill extractor URL will be provided in the forum
- General requirements:
- usage of await/async instead of going off the submission processor which uses bluebird
- standard js for linting
- unit tests required
- processor will need a health check endpoint implemented in order to be deployed. Use
- processor will need to call to the API using M2M tokens. Use
Final Submission Guidelines
- New member skills extractor processor code