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The challenge is finished.

Challenge Overview

Challenge Introduction

We are running a long term series of challenges to create a new version of a ground control system for small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS; i.e., drones) based on QGroundControl. The ground control system will allow the UASs to be safely used for live flight operations while also providing the functionality necessary for researching advanced algorithms and human-automation teaming concepts.


The main goal of this challenge is to connect QGroundControl to a TCL4 USS server. We won’t have a test server, so we must mock some of the endpoints. Existing mock server will be provided.


Technology and Frameworks


Individual Requirements

  • Update the existing code from previous challenge:
  • Update the QGroundControl to fix UI issues from previous challenge. List can be found in the forum
  • Configured USS and server parameters must use the QGroundControl mechanism to store settings
  • Overall requirements in scope:
    • The GCS shall be able to connect and login to an TCL4 USS server (use the mock server in the forum). The user should be able to provide a host URL, username, and password in the settings view (this should persist between GCS software launches).
    • The GCS shall be able to request to generate airspace volumes from the current loaded waypoints.
    • The GCS shall be able to request volume reservations from the TCL4 USS.
    • The GCS shall send vehicle position data to the TCL4 USS.
    • The GCS shall be able to request to close operations with the TCL4 USS.
    • More details can be found in the forum
  • Actions already implemented but must be integrated to the frontend:
    • Connect (get token) / disconnect to server (clear token)
    • Submit operation (POST “<base_url>/operator/operation”). There is a specific button for this in the design. Don't use the button that uploads the flight plan to the device anymore
    • Submit position (POST “<base_url>/operator/position”)
    • Close operation (POST “<base_url>/operator/message”)
    • Use server URL, username and password from the settings page. Must not be hardcoded anymore
  • Additional information will be provided in the forum

Final Submission Guidelines

  • Patch to the code repository


2021 Topcoder(R) Open

Review style

Final Review

Community Review Board


User Sign-Off

ID: 30156444